Southern European countries such as France and Italy serve as typical examples. A standard drink is 10g, so that’s 2.5 UK units per day for both men and women – enough for a small glass of wine at 13% – or 17.5 units per week. The “Status report on alcohol consumption, harm and policy responses in 30 European countries 2019”, which uses data gathered from 2010 to 2016, shows … Europe’s Alcohol Consumption Largest In The World, Says WHO Report. Setting. Patterns of alcohol consumption in 10 European countries participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) project. Australia: No more than two standard drinks per day. Design. Alcohol country fact sheet - Romania (2019) Alcohol country fact sheet - Spain (2019) Alcohol country fact sheet - Slovakia (2019) Alcohol country fact sheet - Slovenia (2019) Alcohol country fact sheet - Sweden (2019) Alcohol country fact sheet - Switzerland (2019) Alcohol country fact sheet - United Kingdom (2019) 1. Participants Alcohol consumption per person, 2016. Belarus is a landlocked country located in Eastern Europe. This nation tops the list of countries consuming the most alcohol world-wide. Citizens of Belarus consume 14.4 liters of alcohol per person, per year. That translates to 48 handles of vodka per person, per year. 0 No data 0 liters 2 liters 4 liters 6 liters 8 … Differences in Drinking Cultures Throughout the world, numerous different drinking cultures and attitudes toward alcohol exist. According to a … Introduction. • updated 2 years ago (Version 1) Data Tasks Code (1) Discussion Activity Metadata. If alcohol is consumed, it should be in moderation-up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks per day for men-and only by adults of legal drinking age. For those who choose to drink, moderate alcohol consumption can be incorporated into the calorie limits of most healthy eating patterns. People in the European Union consume more alcohol than in any other part of the world, drinking an average of 8.71 liters, or around 25 beer-sized glasses of pure alcohol, … At the upper end of the scale, alcohol intake across Europe is highest at around 15 liters per person per year in the Czechia, Lithuania, and Moldova. Lithuania. The prevention of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is a priority in the European Union. 86. Alcohol, drinkers only per capita (15+)consumption in litres of pure alcohol Alcohol, average daily intake in grams among drinkers with 95%CI Alcohol, total (recorded + unrecorded) per capita (15+) consumption with 95%CI, projections to 2020 and 2025 Alcohol per-capita consumption was estimated to vary markedly globally in 2017, with the lowest per-capita consumption observed in North African and Middle Eastern countries (mostly <1 L), and the highest consumption in Central and Eastern European countries (many >12 L; figure 2, table). The 10 countries that drink the most alcohol, in liters per capita, ranked: Moldova (17.4 liters per capita over 15+ years) Belarus (17.1) Lithuania (16.2) Russia (14.5) Lithuania is the country with the highest per capita consumption of alcohol in the EU.According to data from the World Health Organization, Lithuanians consumed 2.6 … The WHO European Region has the highest proportion in the world of total ill health and premature death due to alcohol. A country’s total per capita alcohol consumption is closely related to its prevalence of alcohol-related harm and alcohol dependence. Kevin Markham. Due to the coronavirus outbreak in early 2020 some consumers in European countries have increased their alcohol consumption. We see large geographical differences: Alcohol consumption across North Africa and the Middle East is particularly low — in many countries, close to zero. Cross-sectional on-line survey conducted between 24 April and 22 July 2020. Data and statistics. Germany: Here, a standard drink is considered 12g of alcohol. Alcohol consumption is defined as annual sales of pure alcohol in litres per person aged 15 years and older. found each country's beer, wine, and spirits consumption per capita and … To investigate changes in alcohol consumption during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe as well as its associations with income and experiences of distress related to the pandemic. Alcohol consumption by country. A survey of European drinkers from 21 countries reported reducing their alcohol consumption, on average, during the first months of the pandemic. Pure alcohol consumption among persons (age 15+) in litres per capita per year, 2016; … Alcohol use is associated with numerous harmful health and social consequences, including an increased risk of a range of cancers, stroke and liver cirrhosis. Twenty-one European countries. BelarusBelarus is a landlocked country which is located in the Eastern Europe. It is the country with the very wealthy economy… > Alcohol per capita (APC) consumption: 15.4 liters. Belarus is a landlocked country which is located in the Eastern Europe. In the US, for example, three or four drinks a day (42g for women and 56g for men) is thought to be safe, but in Sweden that is well over the amount … Alcohol consumption fell in countries across Europe during the Covid pandemic – but not in the UK. litres of pure alcohol per person [15+ years] per year) in the UK was 11.4 litres—equivalent to around 175 grams or 22 units of alcohol per week. In 2016, alcohol consumption per capita (APC) (i.e. Across 21 European countries, the UK was the only one to … Indicator full name: Per capita alcohol consumption among people aged 15+ within a calendar year (liters of pure alcohol) Unit: litres per capita Dimensions: Country (COUNTRY) Supranational group of countries (COUNTRY_GRP) Year of measure (YEAR) Years data is available: 1960—2016 A variety of factors have been identified at the individual and the societal level, which affect the levels and patterns of alcohol consumption and the magnitude of alcohol-related problems in populations. By category > Global Information System on Alcohol and Health > Levels of Consumption Recorded alcohol per capita consumption, 2000-2009 by country 25, with an average of 29 handles of vodka consumed per person. Germany. binge drinking: 36.7% (2nd highest) … It is the country with the very wealthy economy… To avoid confusion and misjudgment as much as possible, the best way to measure alcohol The highest level of consumption was in Moldova Republic (24.9 l of pure alcohol per adult resident) followed by Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, and Romania as well as in some western countries such as Ireland. This high level of harm hides enormous alcohol-related health inequalities between eastern and western Europe, particularly for … A recent WHO report shows that rates of harmful alcohol consumption in Europe have not dropped as expected, even though all countries have signed the European Action Plan to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol 2012–2020.. Interestingly, the top 16 countries that pay the highest tax are all European countries. The map shows the amount of pure alcohol consumed in European countries (figures in in litres per year per adult, defined as a person aged 15 or older). The U.S., however, ranked No. The Czech Republic and France consumed an average of 39.3 handles of vodka each per person, and while Russia was among the top five countries for alcohol consumption, it consumed a little over 38 handles of vodka on average. Looking at the published statistics, the highest consumption rates of alcohol seem to be concentrated in Europe and other places in the Northern Hemisphere of the globe. The highest rates can be seen in countries like Belarus, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Ireland, and France. This paper describes the evolution of alcohol consumption over the last 30 years in France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. countries, alcohol is widely available, drinking alcohol (especially wine) is part of daily life, abstinence rates are low and consumption frequencies high, but amounts consumed at any one occasion are moderate. They found that the amount of alcohol in a standard drink varied by 250 percent among the countries, from a low of 8 grams of alcohol in Iceland, to a high of 20 grams of alcohol in Austria. Furthermore, Lithuania, Latvia and Austria, as well as Iceland and Norway, recorded a share of persons consuming alcohol every month that exceeded 30 % of the population, as opposed to Portugal, the United Kingdom, Spain and Croatia, where this share accounted for less than one fifth of the population. Alcohol consumption seems to be decreasing in the traditional wine countries of southern Europe. One recent prospective multicenter study included Ireland and the United Kingdom (UK). 2 No such European study of consumption during pregnancy is available. This research has had various historical traditions (Room 1988; Room and Mäkelä 2000), the most recent of which has focused primarily on differences between North American … Consumption of alcohol is measured in liters of pure alcohol per person aged 15 or older. A selection of the results is presented in this report. Young teenagers in the UK and Ireland are among the worst in Europe for drunkenness, health experts say, although alcohol consumption in … A more theoretical literature, which is somewhat separate from research comparing actual survey rates of alcohol consumption across countries, has been devoted to describing these differing drinking cultures. It is based on data by WHO (Statistical annexes, page 293; study published in 2014, data from 2010). Published by Nils-Gerrit Wunsch , Apr 8, 2020. Total alcohol consumption per capita (liters of pure alcohol, projected estimates, 15+ years of age) from The World Bank: Data Learn how the World Bank Group is helping countries … 1 To enable policy decisions, cross-country studies need to ensure a comparable data collection process. We are by no means alone in our consumption of alcohol. 86. While most of the Southern European countries drink less, we are actually similar drinkers to some of the Eastern European countries including Status Report on Alcohol and Health in 35 European Countries … UK drinking compared. The average tax on alcohol is at 16% — both Zambia and Kenya have the average alcohol tax rate, with relatively low alcohol-related deaths at 2.1% and 2.6%, respectively, suggesting that alcohol tax is effective in these countries for reducing alcohol intake. In 2012, the WHO Regional Office for Europe collected information on alcohol consumption, harm and the alcohol policy response as part of the Global Information System for Alcohol and Health. With an average of 15 liters of pure alcohol consumed per adult annually as of 2017, Moldova is the country with the highest levels of consumption while Kuwait has … Alcohol consumption. Download (6 KB) …