This hit the southern hemisphere and was recorded at Watheroo West Australia. The Dashka Stone is a controversial artifact that it is believed by some to be the guidelines used by the architect of the world. Copy link. Championed by Aristotle, the the theory of a Round Earth began in classical antiquity, contradicting the prevailing belief of a Flat Earth. While cataloging antique items he found a gazelle-skin parchment in a stack of discarded items. Piri Reis Map and Antarctica. Based on similar monuments in Sweden and elsewhere, the stones would have had symbols, signs, and images inscribed on to them which would have been of immense spiritual significance. The End Times Deception study is not about Bible prophecy per se, but about the Flat Earth Theory.. 600 million-year-old fossils of tiny humanoids found in Antarctica. The expedition included 13 Navy support ships, an aircraft carrier, helicopters, flying boats, and an array of more traditional aircraft. Share. The ancient map … The Piri Reis Map Shows the Antarctic Land Mass; Antarctica is more than 98-percent covered in glacial ice and snow; The continent of Antarctica was discovered in 1818, several hundreds of years after the Piri Reis map was drawn, yet it shows a land mass where Antarctica is Google Earth “The pyramid-shaped structures are located in the Ellsworth Mountains, which is a range more … The map's historical … Such artifacts may appear "too advanced" for the technology known to have existed at the time, or may suggest human presence at a time before humans are known to have existed. Piri Reis map of Antarctica – Antarctica ice free! The Oronteus Finaeus Map of 1532 fails both to show either a completely or partially ice-free Antarctica and demonstrate the existence of ancient civilizations with advanced cartographic technology. Antarctica was discovered first by modern civilization in 1820. The evidence of an earlier discovery of Antarctica might be found in the Ottoman Piri Reis Map dated 1513 — shortly after Columbus’ discovery of the Americas. The huge icy continent is thought to have once been home to the Lost City of Atlantis over 12,000 years ago, when large parts of Antartica were ice-free. A. Dozens of theories have been put forward to try and explain the mystery of the Piri Reis Map. Ice cores may reveal whether Antarctica's western ice sheet melted fully the last time Earth's climate warmed to the temperatures the planet is predicted to reach in the next two centuries. Highjump was one of the largest operations ever conducted in Antarctica with over 4,000 men sent to study, map, and reside on the continent for eight months. Print. UFO-HUNTERS reckon they've found signs of an alien invasion in Google Earth snaps of Antarctica. In the rocky terrain of the Whitmore mountain range in Antarctica there have been found fossilized skeletal remains of what seems to be extremely small humans. I have included the whole PDF report document… Erich von Däniken is arguably the most widely read and most-copied nonfiction author in the world. By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) In the last few months, the world’s political and religious leaders have been making trips to the continent at the bottom of the world—Antarctica. One of the most compelling facts about the map is that it includes a continent that our history books tell us was not discovered until 1818. On November 17, 1820, Nathaniel Palmer, Piri Reis map of Antarctica – Antarctica ice free! A HUGE structure has been discovered in Antartica – and it’s baffling scientists. However, Lunde (1980) presents a more credible hypothesis that the source map for the Orontius Finaeus Map of 1531 might have been a poorly drawn map of historic Antarctica, possibly Australia, made by some unknown Portuguese sailors sometime before 1513. This was strange as there is no record that any ancient civilization existed in Antarctica. Causing a child to “pass through fire” was the standard euphemism for child sacrifice in the ancient world. Seeking Truth On Gaia - Official Trailer. One of the key pieces of ‘evidence’ cited by both these clowns is the map drawn by Turkish admiral Piri Reis in the 16th century, they both claim this map proves ancient high technology must have existed because it accurately shows the coast of Antarctica as it was at least 15,000 years ago before it was covered in ice. It's free and setting up an account only takes a moment. Bad to the Bones part 2 – Lake Mungo and Lake Victoria Fossils and Skeletons. I'll tell you what I think. "By measuring past temperatures in different parts of Antarctica, this study gives us a clearer perspective of just how warm Antarctica was when the Earth's atmosphere contained much more CO2 than it does today," … Measuring roughly 35 by 24 inches, the map is currently in pieces, but the surviving ones show different pieces of the world as … Known as the Map of the Creator, this stone tablet has baffled researchers since its discovery in 1999. This controversy was precipitated when Professor Charles Hapgood published, in 1965, his theory about Antarctica in the book Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings.Professor Hapgood, based at the University of New Hampshire, had studied the Piri Reis Map with his students and found several things that they could not explain. The Piri Reis Map Shows the Antarctic Land Mass. Badass in Charge: As the Alpha Titan, Godzilla is this pretty much by default as the most powerful kaiju in the movie - as is King Ghidorah when he usurps the title.On the human side of things, Colonel Foster has no hesistation personally leading her men into battle during the Antarctic battle, and also pilots the Argo well enough to (just) stay ahead of Rodan while leading him to Monster Zero. Composed around 1513 from military intelligence by the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis, today only around one-third of the map remains in existence. The map was credited to Turkish admiral Piri … The Buache Map is an 18th century map commonly claimed to accurately depict the continent of Antarctica before it was buried by ice. All that said, Fingerprints put forth many ideas and hypotheses which still haven't been debunked or explained, and which I never hear from mainstream history books. Like Ancient Aliens, which seems to be based on this book, some good questions are asked. Few pseudo scientific ideas have captured the imagination like ancient astronaut “theory”. Speculation on prehistoric discovery of Antarctica began in 1956, when a map of the Atlantic Ocean purportedly drawn in 1513 by a Turkish admiral named Piri Re'is was shown by … Ancient Mysteries and Alternative History ; Nazi Bases in Antarctica Debunked Join the Unexplained Mysteries community today! Another map of Antarctica, this time from 1531 Charles Hapgood (and those derivative of him) used other maps allegedly showing Antarctica that are, at first sight, even more convincing than the Piri Re‘is map. The research company has discovered enough evidence to have the vaccines 'Yellow Carded'. As impossible as it may seem, Russian experts believe the stone map, could be 120 million years old. There have been countless maps discovered throughout history that have remained an enigma to both scholars and skeptics. Golynsky, A. et al. B. Ford and D. L. Schmidt To the seamen of the 18th century who skirted its ice-choked seas in their wooden vessels, Antarctica was known as "Terra Australis lncognito"-the unknown land of the south. Highjump was one of the largest operations ever conducted in Antarctica with over 4,000 men sent to study, map, and reside on the continent for eight months. The Piri Reis map shows the western coast of Africa, the eastern coast of South America, and the northern coast of Antarctica ice free. As just one example, Mercator (of map projection fame) published a map in 1538 which shows a continent identical to Antarctica… ... To see all content on The Sun, please use the Site Map. Aristotle founded his theory on three proofs, which are still cited and in use today[1]. A professor of Earth at UCI discredited this theory by saying it's "just a mountain that looks like a pyramid... many peaks partially look like pyramids." 4. The Piri Reis Map shows Antarctica before it was covered in ice, while others suggest it was created by an ancient civilization thousands of years ago. Like whoa! Ancient Aliens Debunked? All those animals dependant on an ice covered Antarctica could not have been alive 500 years ago, and could not have evolved in the time period between the Piri Reis map and the 18th Century. Two powerful facts totally contradict this. But upon closer inspection, something caught the attention of Deissmann. Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala Henry Makow The Cabala (Satanism) is the Ideology of the Illuminati The "antisemitism" smear diverts attention from the grim reality - the hate actually emanates from Cabalist Jews and their Freemason agents in the form of a simultaneous attack on our gender, racial, religious and national identity.… There have been countless maps discovered throughout history that have remained an enigma to both scholars and skeptics. It was an excellent documentary, although I lost track when he started to … The northern coastline of Antarctica is perfectly detailed. Fragment of the Piri Reis map. The first of these is a product of Orontius Finaeus Delphinus (1494-1555), whom most Bad Archaeologists consistently and incorrectly refer to […] The Piri Reis Map shows Antarctica before it was covered in ice, while others suggest it was created by an ancient civilization thousands of years ago. One is the existence of two ancient maps – the Antarctica Piri Reis map and the Antarctica Oronteus Finaeus map both hoary with antiquity. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. Exploring the latest in scientific discoveries from prehistoric life to missions to Mars. Thunderbolts, Mammoths and Mass Destruction. Standing stones at Greby grave field (Lundberg, B. Enjoy this free episode of Ancient Aliens now and sign up to watch the whole season now on HISTORY Play.. Return to Antarctica (Season 12, Episode 1) In the most remote place on Earth recent discoveries have left scientists stunned. Mar 16, 2012 - is your first and best source for all of the information you’re looking for. For evidence of this, one only needs to look at the art, literature, and architecture left behind by our ancestors. The Piri Reis mapping appears far more advanced than typical 16th century cartography, leading some to ascribe to theories that the map may be proof of the presence of “off-worlders,” or Antarctica aliens with advanced technology. ESA’s gravity-mapper reveals relics of ancient continents under Antarctic ice. However, the theory that it must be aliens is just stupid. It is believed by the researchers that the ancient Anunnaki city was built between 160,000 and 200,000 BC as a part of an even larger community of approximately 10,000 Square kilometers. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. New study debunks myth of Cahokia's Native American lost civilization: ancient poop levels point to repopulation of iconic pre-Columbian metropolis. Claims about the Buache Map and the fact that it depicts the continent of Antarctica ice-free are said to have its origins in Charles Hapgood’s 1966 book, Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings. That’s an old claim from an earlier season of the show (originally told of obelisks but later amended to pyramids), but it allows them to recycle their “power grid” graphics. Drawn by French cartographer Phillippe Buache de la Neuville in 1739, the work’s original title was “Map of Southern Lands Contained Between the Tropic of Cancer and the Antarctic Pole.” The Flat Earth Society is well known, and widely assumed to be a group of people who lobby the idea that the Earth is not actually a globe. Isn’t that what you signed up for? 4. Located in the Museum of the Seminary of Sherbrooke in Quebec, Canada there are a set of mysterious stones that, according to many who have researched them, could offer conclusive evidence that neither the Vikings, nor Columbus traveled to America first, but a … The 1921 event was similar to the Carrington 1859 event. The ancient map … The official first sight of Antarctica reportedly was accomplished by a Russian expedition in 1820. A University of California, Berkeley, archaeologist has dug up ancient human feces, among other demographic clues, to challenge the narrative around t This chart displays Antarctica well before the ‘icy’ continent was in fact discovered. Hitler didn't commit suicide, but instead fled using the German submarine fleet to go inside the Earth … Look closely it shows at least 20 more continents beyond Antarctica. In the 16 th Century Haji Ahmed Muhiddin Piri was an admiral in the Turkish navy, which at the time never ventured beyond the Mediterranean or the Black Sea. Stargate Newsletter June 11, 2021 An expert medical researcher has filed a preliminary report to the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) recommending that the [C]OVID vaccines be declared unsafe for humans. It was ultimately identified as the Today we're going to point the skeptical eye at a series of beliefs that are said to be about the shape of the Earth. In Ancient Aliens Debunked, our previous entry based on a documentary by the same name which you can read here, we also noted that the Ancient Astronaut Theory was not always correct in its interpretation of certain Out Of Place Artifacts, sometimes making exaggerated claims in order to shore up its support for the existence of an Alien Civilization in the past. Piri Reis map of Antarctica – Antarctica ice free! Jan 2, 2018 Ian Harvey. It was five years ago this month that ESA’s GOCE gravity-mapping satellite finally gave way to gravity, but its results are still yielding buried treasure – giving a new view of the remnants of lost continents hidden deep under the ice sheet of Antarctica. - Alien UFO Sightings. The average annual South Pacific sea temperature near Antarctica is about 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius), a far cry from the milder climate of ancient times. Wikimedia Commons The section of the Piri Reis map that shows Antarctica. Cartographers have long been baffled by the astounding map of Admiral Piri Reis. We hope you find what you are searching for! An ancient map dating back to the 1500s seems to show Antarctica’s coastline in unprecedented detail. I watched ancient aliens on a history special the map they were talking about was 99% accurate with today's maps of Antarctica. A theme common amongst the mythology of ancient cultures is a belief in the existence of a Golden Age, when humans lived uncorrupted, in peace and harmony, experiencing prosperity and societal stability. Composed around 1513 from military intelligence by the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis, today only around one-third of the map remains in existence. In Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, Dr. Charles Hapgood published the Piri Reis Map of Antarctica. The Military saw President Biden as a treasonous agent. • A map of the land beneath the ice cap of Antarctica ... My issue with this book is that as of 2020 almost every one of his explanations have been debunked. ADMAP—A digital magnetic anomaly map of the Antarctic. Perhaps the most significant item on the map is the depiction of Antarctica – despite Antarctica not officially being discovered until until 1773 by Captain James Cook. The continent of Antarctica was discovered in 1818, several hundreds of years after the Piri Reis map was drawn, yet it shows a land mass where Antarctica is. The expedition included 13 Navy support ships, an aircraft carrier, helicopters, flying boats, and an array of more traditional aircraft. Interesting that the 1921 event was in May too! A Turkish Navy officer sent the map to the U.S. Navy Hydro Graphic Bureau in 1953. Since then many have claimed that together with other ancient maps, the Buache map was a composite of far older maps which are said to have been created by a highly developed ancient civilization. Address those points. 47 Comments. Although Antarctica was not properly discovered until 1820 by Nathaniel B. Palmer (Wilford, 1981, p. 267), it is quite likely it was visited or at least sighted earlier than that by explorers and traders. Nevertheless, conspiracy theorists jumped on board, claiming that the pyramids were built by some undiscovered ancient civilization that had lived in Antarctica 100,000 million years ago. This 16th century map shocked the world because it showed the way Antarctica looked without ice. A map drawn in 1513 by a Turkish admiral appears to show the coast of Antarctica as ice-free. Ancient Map Shows Antarctica Coastline Without Ice . Measuring roughly 35 by 24 inches, the map is currently in pieces, but the surviving ones show different pieces of the world as they appeared to cartographers in 1513. Many have used this as proof of ancient knowledge from a civilization that mapped Antarctica before it was cloaked with glaciers. Antarctica – once a tropical paradise? Tap to unmute. Carrington Event 1859 and the Royal Charter Storm. Like whoa! ‘British soldiers who refuse Covid jab will be ‘educated’ & could face disciplinary action’ – Hey, troops, you need to join us and protect the people from tyranny. Does the Piri Reis map really show Antarctica free from ice? 4 Analog Magnetogram Records for the May 1921 Storm Whistleblower Corey Goode says there is an ancient alien civilization that is flash frozen and buried under two miles of ice in Antarctica. 9 Jan. the US has been under an abbreviated Martial Law with President Trump as Commander… The Piri Reis map is a world map made in 1513 based on military intelligence from the Ottoman admiral Piri Reis. Comet Mega-Tsunami in the Australia region. If we compare Athanasius Kircher’s 1665 ancient Egyptian map of Atlantis (right) with a modern map of ice-free Antarctica (below right) the similarity becomes astonishing!