Bible, The. These free MP3 Bible messages, sermons, and recordings answer questions about what a Christian should believe about worship, faith, salvation, family relations, church, morals, and eternity. 1. Don’t Neglect Your Salvation. What have the apostles taught us to do to be saved? 11:18-22), have their names removed from the Lamb's Book of Life (Rev. The Gospel of Grace! Biblical Commentary Sermons Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. How is public confession related to salvation (Romans 10:9-10)? Listen. Illustration Title. Lesson 8 Thinking Back. James 1:1 . This sermon explores some of the reasons God gave man the Bible placing particular emphasis on those which pertain to man's salvation (File size: 56k). 10 Bible Verses About Salvation. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Listen. 645 Shares. Salvation cannot be earned, nor merited, by any amount of good deeds b. Salvation is the gift of God, and God’s gifts are “irrevocable” (Romans 11:29). 2 Timothy 2:1 - Be strong in the grace in Christ. God Has Chosen Us in Him Before the Foundation of the Earth. Evangelizing Cannibals ... Salvation, Testimony. The Bible clearly teaches that all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and that the penalty for sin is eternal death. a Someone or something is in a state where they need saving.. 2 A great number of people in the world understand there are rights and wrongs, . Declare His doings among the people 4. Biblical salvation is God's way of providing his people deliverance from sin and spiritual death through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. A. The Difference. 22:19), by committing certain sins and not repenting of them (cf. Depravity and Grace Genesis 6:1-8. That way is … Here are a few key ideas that summarize the lesson. A Christian cannot lose salvation. 2. Bible Verses about Salvation - Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other… Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him… For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all… They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved—you… That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 5:1,2 - We have access to grace, so we rejoice in the hope of glory. The objective basis of our salvation is the finished work of God's Son on the cross. The Bible warns Christians that they can "fall from grace" (Gal. Find Out More. But it’s the inner disorder of persons that the biblical writers say is our deepest problem. To let people know the kingdom of God and let them be reconciled to God the father through Jesus Christ the son So please turn your Bible with me to James chapter 2. Lesson 4 Our Sin Problem. Rev. It’s available through Jesus Christ. Faith without works is words without deeds. It provides all spiritual blessings we need to serve God. Free instruction about religion, the Bible, Christianity, doctrine, and the gospel of Christ. • GALATIANS 3:27 - as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ . Your Salvation -- Make It As Secure As You Can (Part 1) Your Salvation -- Make It As Secure As You Can (Part 2) Your Salvation -- Make It As Secure As You Can (Part 3) Oh, Magnify The LORD. This sermon, based on 1 Corinthians 1:18, answers the who, what, when and where of … God’s Plan For Man’s Salvation 3 • ACTS 22;16 - . The "church" today has fundamentally changed its essential role … Can believers sin willfully and lose their salvation? The salvation of Israel was the beginning of the salvation of the Gentiles b. The Best Salvation Sermon Ever Preached! For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. Peter said salvation is found only in Jesus' name - Ac 4:12 2. Sermon at Pentecost. John W. Ritenbaugh. God's salvation is wonderfully comprehensive. Rev. Temple Baptist Church - 5-26-2021. Many people fear and become overwhelmed by the thought that they could lose their salvation. These children's sermons help create a Plan of Salvation Sunday school lesson. The Bible is the Basis of the Biblical Church - Message 2- Matthew 16:13-18 - Ephesians 5:23-27. Tagged Sermons on Salvation. Master or Be Mastered Genesis 4:1-16. Description: ( show) Satan, the grand master of deception, has provided what appear to be plausible alternatives to Christ's sacrifice for salvation. Assurance of salvation is meant to encourage, motivate, and brighten us. The Crucifixion of Self! I am concerned about a lot of people, even here ... Christ Seeks Not Yours, But You! We do not believe that they act against one another or even on one another, but with one another in our salvation. By entering the fellowship of the gospel, the Philippians had entered into fellowship with Paul, Timothy, Silas, and Luke who brought the gospel to them. sermon: Camouflage and Salvation. Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) (Chapter 18 from Dr. Hyle's excellent book titled: 'Salvation Is More Than Being Saved' There is no category of human need that God doesn’t want to redeem. + 2 Corinthians 5:21 “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”. : Subject Area (Click on to Read and/or Download) File Description: Author: We now have available 154 of some of the best sermons ever preached, by such men as Charles Spurgeon, J. C. Ryle, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield and John Bunyan, on Audio CD and MP3. + Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”. ... Book of Bible Stories. ... That is a false plan of salvation. Psalm 27:1-14 The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’”. helps you tell kids about Jesus by providing age-appropriate Bible study material and Sunday School curriculum – all 100% free online.. We believe that God is the loving Father of all kids. 1 Even to those most unaware of scripture, the words “Plan of salvation” identify a state where:. Spreading the good news of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ and the way of salvation through poetry and messages with bible references (KJV) This is a website that seeks to show people how they can be 100% sure they will go to heaven when they die. Read James 2:14-26. Lesson 3 Eternity. Home Categories Christian Life Salvation. The Crucifixion of Self! Salvation Sermon Illustrations . Let's look at the meaning of this … John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. Robert S. Oliver - September 15, 2019. The helmet of salvation mentioned in Ephesians 6:17, protects us spiritually from a powerful blow of doubt from the devil. This is the most important sermon about salvation. Pentecostalism and its beliefs represent the fastest-growing segment of worldwide evangelical Christianity today. The intensity of the disagreement (1-2) "Some men came down from Judea to Antioch and were teaching the brothers: ‘Unless you are circumcised, according to the custom taught by Moses, you cannot be saved. Robert S. Oliver - August 18, 2019. Gospel of John Bible Study [PDF Format] - God's simple plan of salvation as seen in John's Gospel. I. Speaking in tongues, divine healing, prophecy, and other gifts of the Holy Spirit were the norm, not the exception. In Myths About Salvation, John MacArthur gives you eleven clear, biblical tests that will either verify your salvation or reveal your need to come to Christ on His terms. Use printable coloring pages and crossword puzzles to help demonstrate that salvation and heaven is a free gift from God! 6:9; Gal. Sermons and Articles from a Biblical Perspective Need a New Bible or a Christian Book by Edwards, Ryle, or Spurgeon? The Bible is the Basis of the Biblical Church - Message 2- Matthew 16:13-18 - Ephesians 5:23-27. His virgin birth, by the miraculous intervention of the Holy Spirit, meant that He did not inherit a … 1, 2021 1 Peter 1:15-167:21 151. Is everyone automatically forgiven and saved? May 24, 2009. Psalm 25:5. Every week, a highlighted illustration from our members-only website is posted to this blog and made available to … Let's look at some truths from the Bible and what God says about our salvation. 5:1-5), be "cut off" from salvation (Rom. What must I do to be saved and have eternal life? A classic comic skit is to have two people engaged in a conversation. 2. Our salvation is the beginning of the salvation of others around us 3. Verse Concepts. God provides deliverance from sin, from judgment, from death, from hell to those who have faith in His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, the only Savior of the world. In part 1 of this sermon series, I talked about the essentials of salvation. December 24, 2017. The bible says … A. Isaiah speaks of a time when there was no one that stood up for righteousness and true judgment. Depravity of the world in Noah's time (Genesis 6:1-12) is summarized for us by Moses with these words: "Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 5: 3-5; 1Cor. Paul shares his deep feelings of love for these people. Do the four Gospels present a different message of salvation than the rest of the New Testament? Mar 1, 1992. Curse and Blessing … I am not going up and down the country to get the shekels. Angel of Light. Romans 10 describes the necessity and timelessness of salvation. SPURGEON at the Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Rejoice in your eternal life and in your good God! Salvation, a two page overview of salvation including: God's eternal plan. Certainly not those who neglect the means of salvation; nor those who prefer other things before it; nor those who think to attain it in any other way than God has appointed. is a website created by Dr. Mitchell Dillon, the founder of the web's premier sermon illustration website, Illustration Exchange. God Has Chosen Us in Him Before the Foundation of the Earth. The Bible gives three short, accurate and direct steps to salvation in this passage. Salvation is not a thing that we will receive some day, it is a present possession of every person who has received Jesus into their hearts. In this “Adventure in Acts” we look at Peter’s third sermon and learn how to apply the techniques of his witness to our own sharing of the gospel. Please read the awesome printed sermon by Pastor Curtis Hutson, “SALVATION CRYSTAL CLEAR.” Now I've shared all these things with you for a reason. May 24, 2009. Ephesians 2:8-9 - For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of … Lesson 9 Doing God's Will. One day he saw that the house of one of his neighbors was on fire. 514 likes. The Perfect Church. Peter J GordonJan. Listed below are PowerPoint presentations and slides for projection with the associated sermons and articles. These very same spiritual gifts and ministries exist in the Church today. When the Bible speaks, God speaks. And what God said, He will surely do. He will save all who call upon Jesus Christ. You have His word on it. Second, assurance rests on the finished work of Jesus Christ. When Jesus died on the cross, He bore our iniquities, enduring God’s wrath, and cried out, “It is finished!” But this man has done nothing wrong.' Bible Class Books, Lessons. The "church" today has fundamentally changed its essential role … Lk 17:10 c. But the Lordship of Jesus rightly demands a full surrender to His authority - cf. 45 likes. 1. Restore us, O God of our salvation, And cause Your indignation toward us to cease. 5: 3-5; 1Cor. Lesson 6 Christ Paid Our Penalty. This PowerPoint sermon attempts to definitively show that salvation cannot be biblically viewed as separate from Jesus' church). " Sermon: "Examined Lives" Sunday, April 25, 2021 Senior Pastor Young Ho Hwang continues his series on "Postures of Discipleship", preaching from 2 Peter 1:10-11. All who have committed their lives to Jesus Christ may have the firm confidence of salvation based upon the infallibility of God’s Word. Earn your bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies from WCBC Online. The man who hung there between two thieves was without sin. 2. John Piper. Salvation is God's power at wok in every area of a person's life. Mar 1, 1992. Today is the day of salvation. The nine conversions in the Bible. Overburdening the Church " (Religion has undergone many changes. Founding a Biblical Church - Message 1 - Matthew 16:13-18 - Ephesians 5:23-27. 21:6-8). If you want to gain assurance of salvation, open your Bible to 1 John 5:11-13, and from the text, answer the following questions. KJV Sermon Outlines. The Romans Road to salvation – What is it? Evangelizing Cannibals ... Salvation, Testimony. Tough times call for solid rock certainty. 3. Suggested Emphasis: The church began on the Day of Pentecost. 6:9; Gal. - Romans 10:9-10 In preaching the gospel of salvation we must prioritize the need for people to be born again. Chuck Smith :: Sermon Notes for Ephesians 6:17. (An awesome Sermon Preached at the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana). She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”. Sermons On The Mount 3 - Matthew 5: 8-12 by John Wesley here. 100 Bible Verses about Losing Your Salvation Hebrews 6:4-6 ESV / 353 helpful votes Not Helpful. Restoring Nations. Rev Ian Brown Salvation In The RC Bible! 645 Shares. YES! The bible says in the book of I John that we can know that we have eternal life. Rev. #Bible #BibleStudy. Simply put, God's plan of salvation is the divine romance recorded in the pages of the Bible. Salvation. Salvation is Only Through Christ. Is Jesus Christ the only way to heaven? KJV Sermon Outlines. If you need healing or prayer please read these Bible sermons C.H. It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. I. HELMET OF SALVATION. Text: Romans 2:1-11 I. Salvation, The First Step. Lesson 2 God's Warning. Sermons On The Mount 2 - Matthew 5: 5-7 by John Wesley here. The disagreement over salvation by faith (1-5) A. Importance of praising, magnifying God, Divine healing articles and teaching. The redeemed cannot be unpurchased. Salvation May 9, 2021 Sermon Overview. Grace Bible Church, NY. Salvation cannot be earned, nor merited, by any amount of good deeds b. The Passion of Christ - A detailed study of the sufferings of Christ and what they mean to the human heart. I believe that the man who magnifies the word of God in his preaching is the man whom God will honor. A sermon is an oration or lecture by a preacher (who is usually a member of clergy).Sermons address a scriptural, theological, or moral topic, usually expounding on a type of belief, law, or behavior within both past and present contexts.Elements of the sermon often include exposition, exhortation, and practical application.The act of delivering a sermon is called preaching. Scripture Reference: Acts 1:12-2:41. He has authored a number of books, including Heaven, How I Got Here and Heaven, So Near - So Far.Colin is the President and Teacher for Unlocking the Bible. Yet, the statements said make perfectly good sense to both parties. In this sermon, Mike draws a picture of the ideal father with the references to fatherhood in both the Old and New Testaments. Peter J GordonFeb. Put on the helmet of salvation and know that if you have believed in Jesus for eternal life, you are safe and secure forever. It provides all spiritual blessings we need to serve God. This is the beginning of a 3-week Q & A series with conversations based on the questions provided by our listeners and viewers. 2 Timothy 2:1 - Be strong in the grace in Christ. The Bible tells us that God works “in all things” to accomplish His purposes. 11:18-22), have their names removed from the Lamb's Book of Life (Rev. Date written: October 1st, 2001 Scripture ref: Romans 1:16. Bible sermons, Chinhoyi. The Perfect Church. Robert S. Oliver - September 15, 2019. Colin Smith is the Senior Pastor of The Orchard Evangelical Free Church in the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Jude 1:3 - Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation , it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. (Luke 23:39-43, NIV) This brief passage relates one of the most amazing prayers and promises in the entire Bible. The salvation of Jesus Christ is a great salvation. Robert S. Oliver - … Sermons by Bible 1.9M sermons by book, chapter, and verse. Some may think being saved is an old-fashioned concept, but salvation continues to be man’s greatest need. We are lost, broken and beaten down by sin and under condemnation but He seeks and finds us and restores us into fellowship with Himself, and then He empowers us to live a holy life. Source unknown. You’ll discover your responsibility as a believer to make your salvation sure. Sermons On The Mount 4 - Matthew 5: 13-16 by John Wesley here. 42 Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.' '. Walking With God Genesis 5. Mt 28:18-20 2. Lesson 1 Our Eternal Salvation. Mark 16:9-20 Topic: Salvation We find one of the very first things Jesus done was to give his disciples instructions concerning the Gospel. Salvation Salvation, conditions of Sanctification Satan Satisfaction Saved/Lost Science Scripture, inerrancy Security Security, false Seekers Self-denial Self-esteem Self-exaltation Selfishness Sensitivity Separation Sermon Servanthood Serving Shame Shelter Shepherd Siblings Sickness Sign Silence Simplicity Sin Sin, consequences of Sin, distortion Source unknown. Sermon: The Greatest Miracle: The Message of Evangelism - John 3. by Steve Andrews on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM. 21:6-8). (1) This is a promise! I Introduction. Salvation. This evening, in the wake of Christmas and on the way to a New Year full of challenges and opportunities, I would lead you to reflect on this greatest salvation. 3. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one … When we are saved we are given back all that was lost through the entrance of sin into the world. One of the most important insights of Reformed theology is the unity of the works of the Trinity. Listen. 42 Then he said, 'Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.' My purpose in this series has been to help you find the assurance of salvation, for a couple of reasons: 1. Founding a Biblical Church - Message 1 - Matthew 16:13-18 - Ephesians 5:23-27. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Lesson 7 Judgment Day Is Coming. 9, 2020 1 Thessalonians 1; Acts 17:1-1441:19 57. Robert S. Oliver - August 4, 2019. Encouraging, Equipping, and Engaging Ideas from Local Church Leaders. Sermon illustrations: Testimony. The four spiritual laws – What are they? But this man has done nothing wrong.' I only thought about dollars and cents. Salvation is the gift of God! Lying: Our Biggest Problem. Beware of books, sermons and radio programs that promote the heresy that continuing in sin means a person is not saved, or cannot be saved. God's Plan for the Local Church - Message 3 - The Church with an Open Door -Revelation 3:7-13. It comes only through God's plan of salvation. 12 Bible Verses About Salvation - Meaning of Salvation. Featuring a sermon puts it on the front page of the site and is the most effective way to bring this sermon to the attention of thousands including all mobile platforms + newsletter. A Christian cannot lose salvation. When we get the message right, the efficacy of God accomplishes the rest. Romans 5:1,2 - We have access to grace, so we rejoice in the hope of glory. Here is the whole sermon in just one paragraph. John 10:28-29 ESV / 135 helpful votes. John Piper. Lesson 5 The Nature Of God. ©2005 First Baptist Church of Barberville - 200 E. Broad St. PO Box 97, Barberville, FL 32112 In difficult times like this, it is easy for us to yield to sins and discouragement. When I originally penned this book about SALVATION in 2001, I … . Rev. For I am not … Sermon illustrations: Testimony. He is author of more than 50 books, including Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist and most recently Providence . Such shall be saved as are appointed to it. James 2:14-17. More than that, it is the greatest salvation. Written by David E. Pratte. 5:19, Rev. The Keeping Power of God (John 10:27-29) — Listen | Download MP3 | Purchase CD ($1.25) The Bible tells us that the Lord "keeps" those who are His. SUBJECT: Gospel Meeting: Back to the Bible Pattern. He thinks he is talking about one topic. [3] From sermon from Dwight Edwards, on Eph. Ex. When you come to the barn with the spotted cow you are almost there." Salvation Sermon – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on the single most important topic known to mankind. 5:19, Rev. ©2005 First Baptist Church of Barberville - 200 E. Broad St. PO Box 97, Barberville, FL 32112 Lk 17:10 c. But the Lordship of Jesus rightly demands a full surrender to His authority - cf. Salvation - John 3:1-17 William Dixon lived in England. 43 Jesus answered him, 'I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.'" The Bible plainly teaches that a person's faith alone is COUNTED for righteousness. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”. It includes sermon outlines, articles of interest to pastors and members of Bible-Believing, fundamental, independent Baptist churches, Bible study helps, and … C. Salvation can not be obtained through good deeds and clean living. God's salvation is clearly revealed to be a process consisting of His calling, justification, sanctification, and glorification. SALVATION IS JEHOVAH-JESUS-OBEDIENCENTRIC, NOT PAUL-CENTRIC NOR YET DENOMINATION-CENTRIC. The Nature of the Beast! Human works have no place in Biblical salvation. The Bible says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. From this we can see that only by possessing true faith in God can we be saved. Dr. Philip W. McLarty. Scripture: Ephesians 1:4. Subscribe for New Sermons (Always free). 1 Corinthians 15:22 death life. Making A Difference (Lukewarm Christians … The Power of God for Salvation. And, as our text here shows, the security of our salvation (or the final perseverance of the saints) flows out of Paul’s overall doctrine of salvation.