verb. Find another word for redress. Browse the use examples 'monetary compensation' in the great English corpus. Find 58 ways to say COMPENSATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Small law firm in Baltimore City with a high volume Personal Injury/Workers' Compensation practice looking for full-time legal assistant/paralegal.... 2 days ago. He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office..., The Court ordered Dr Williams to pay £300 compensation and £100 costs after admitting assault. It is a word that means the same, or almost the same, as another word. Corporate strategy is the strategy a firm uses to compete across multiple businesses. 58 synonyms of pay from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 84 related words, definitions, and antonyms. amount of the financial compensation. Synonyms for failure of compensation in Free Thesaurus. Synonymsfor Monetary compensation. compensation (n.). For example, suggest “bike” as a synonym for bicycle, or “sock” for socks. n. , adv. A benefit received in addition to the normal benefits of holding a job, or, by extension, any relationship to the source of the benefit. English Synonyms and Antonyms (1.00 / 1 vote) Rate these synonyms: compensation (n) An allowance is a stipulated amount furnished at regular intervals as a matter of discretion or gratuity, as of food to besieged soldiers, or of money to a child or ward. If you've purchased a defective item or received poor customer service, you may eligible for compensation from the offending company. definitions. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. However, it includes more than just the money paid to an employee. He received one year's salary as compensation for loss of office..., The Court ordered Dr Williams to pay £300 compensation and £100 costs after admitting assault. compensation definition: 1. money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for…. 28 Pay compensation synonyms. # reimbursement. Understand financial compensation meaning and … Compensation Plan – Definitions: Provided by Flippo, Foulkes, Livernash and Agarwala. 1 word related to workmen's compensation: compensation. Do you know the meaning of compensationary? Definition and synonyms of counsel from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Find another word for pay. Containment of damage or loss. 3 the act of offering money in exchange for goods or services. Compensation Fund Fraud line: Email: Hotline number 0800 234 432 SMS 30916 Fax2mail 0867261681 Website Pay: to give (someone) the sum of money owed for goods or services received. financial rewards. giving: : to make a present of give a doll to a child . compensation. Find all Muskegon, MI Corporate Attorney jobs at REPAYMENT Thesaurus and Synonyms Definitions by Smart Define Dictionary / Page 3.. Top Voted Out Of 316 Synonyms Entries Is 'deposit' Lack of confidence is often compensated for by an aggressive manner. Cherchez compensation et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de synonymes français de Reverso. Quickly browse through hundreds of Compensation Management tools and systems and narrow down your top choices. compensation package. total amount of compensation. financial reimbursement. Verb Forms [intransitive] compensate (for something) to provide something good to balance or reduce the bad effects of damage, loss, etc. synonym make up for Nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one. Browse the use examples 'monetary compensation' in the great English corpus. Compensation is defined as the total amount of the monetary and non-monetary pay provided to an employee by an employer in return for work performed as required. Use filters to view other words, we have 35 synonyms for offer compensation. Definition of compensationary. Compensations: payment to another for a loss or injury. Synonyms: damages, indemnifications, indemnities... Antonyms: nonpayments... Find the right word. Disability compensation is a monthly tax-free benefit paid to Veterans who are at least 10% disabled because of injuries or diseases that were incurred in or aggravated during active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training. Only items under vengeance topic. Share this picture. Synonyms for compensation neurosis in Free Thesaurus. There are many examples of antonyms in the English language. In addition, you can learn more about these two very important vocabulary tools (synonyms and antonyms), plus those tricky homonyms . Synonyms, Job Titles, and Keywords for Compensation Analyst. compensation definition: 1. money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for…. Log in. Another word for compensation: recompense, amends, atonement, damages, reimbursement | Collins American Thesaurus 1a. Compensation is more than an employee’s regular paid wages. thesaurus. If your word has any anagrams, they'll be listed too along with a definition for the word if we have one. Antonyms for compensations. Find another word for compensate. More. Full list of synonyms for In this regard is here. By using the proper form and tone, you will be more likely to receive a refund or other form of compensation. Court cases and … What are another words for Pay compensation? Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Worker's compensation insurance, also called workers' comp insurance, helps cover medical expenses and lost wages for small business owners if an employee is injured or becomes sick. Synonyms for Compensation (other words and phrases for Compensation) - Page 2. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution proscribes the taking of private property by the government for public use without just compensation. Compensation means "making up for something." Compensation programs, in aggregate, take a lot of effort. -VALUE SYSTEM IS ESTABLISHED EARLY IN … A mutual giving and returning. 1. the tendency for people to try to get compensation for any loss, damage, or suffering caused by another person. ‘Overall employee compensation has gone up - but mostly due to a surge in bonuses and stock-option exercises.’ Synonyms salary , wages, wage, pay, earnings, fee, fees, remuneration, take-home pay, gross pay, net pay the compensation. Synonyms of compensation . A synonym is basically the opposite of an antonym. This translation application tool is provided for purposes of information and convenience only. One frequent predicament that arises is how to handle the “What are your compensation expectations?” question. Total compensation is expressed in the same way as a base salary, which is in terms of gross income on an annual basis. Conjugation Documents Grammar Dictionary Expressio. Something, such as money, given or received as payment or reparation, as for a service or loss. When the employee receives the money in terms of salary or wage, it is known as direct compensa­tion. Another way to say Compensation? Definition and synonyms of unemployment compensation from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. Some common synonyms of compensate are indemnify, pay, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, repay, and satisfy. While all these words mean "to give money or its equivalent in return for something," compensate implies a making up for services rendered. privilege. compensating. Find and compare top Compensation Management software on Capterra, with our free and interactive tool. offset recompense reparation workmen's compensation overcompensation counterbalance redress reimbursement amends damages indemnity restitution emolument indemnification blood money. Workers' compensation insurance is also called workman's compensation or workman's comp. Synonyms for 'compensation': payment, advance, premium, prepayment, down payment, payback, settlement, instalment, gratuity, remittance Title Synonyms. payment [ the ~ ] noun. allowance. amends [ the ~ ] noun. In this respect, on this subject, about. compensation; expense; fine; forfeit; indemnity; reimbursement; reparation; satisfaction; total Relating to, or serving as, compensation." Synonyms for compensation. If a wrongfully convicted person is released, he has a chance to receive monetary compensation… The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution proscribes the taking of private property by the government for public use without just compensation. Article Sources. Top Voted Out Of 114 Synonyms Entries Is 'recompense' (Page 2 of 7) remuneration package. Synonym: recompense. conform. के लिए शब्द {firstTerm} ({shortDescription}). An open compensation plan (or system or policy) is one with a defined pay scale and no rules about keeping employee pay confidential. General Disclaimer The information contained herein and the statements expressed are of a general nature and are not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Full list of synonyms for Pay compensation is here. compensation package n. noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Corporate strategy is the strategy a firm uses to compete across multiple businesses. Many small firms want to grow by entering new businesses. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. 41 other terms for monetary compensation- words and phrases with similar meaning. Compensation is defined as the money received by employ­ees from the organization on account of the performance they render. damages, reparations. WorldatWork’s compensation certification (CCP) is, without doubt, the single most compelling statement a professional can make about his/her dedication and commitment to the ‘craft’ of compensation. Many small firms want to grow by entering new businesses. The synonyms have been arranged depending on the number of charachters so that they're easy to find. Synonyms: indemnify, recompense, recoup… Find the right word. Users interested in this job title also searched for the following job title Law Clerk; Salary for Legal Assistant Jobs in Lehi, UT. If you know of common, alternate spellings or phrasings for this tag, add them here so we can automatically correct them in the future. financial compensation synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'financing',finance',finances',finally', definition. To behave in a particular way. Tag synonyms for compensation. This is the British English definition of unemployment compensation.View American English definition of unemployment compensation. Title Synonyms. Compensation definition Compensation refers to the remuneration given to an employee in exchange for their services. Salary or wages may be only one part of remuneration. Synonyms: pay , payment , salary , paycheck, pay cheque (UK), wages, earnings , commission , bonus , remittance , remittal, remuneration (formal), return for services, reward , gratuity, tip , honorarium, … compensation (noun) (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that conceals your undesirable shortcomings by exaggerating desirable behaviors. Meaning: [‚kɒmpen'seɪʃn] n. 1. something (such as money) given or received as payment or reparation (as for a … monetary recompense. Legal Assistant. The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) website uses Google™ Translate to provide automatic translation of its web pages. Compensate, recompense, reimburse. View the pronunciation for unemployment compensation. Definition of compensationary. The term compensation refers to a type of defense mechanism in which people overachieve in one area to compensate for failures in another. This coverage can include rehabilitation services and death benefits too. indemnity. Antonyms for workers' compensation. If you've purchased a defective item or received poor customer service, you may eligible for compensation from the offending company. How to use compensation in a sentence. ‘Overall employee compensation has gone up - but mostly due to a surge in bonuses and stock-option exercises.’ Synonyms salary , wages, wage, pay, earnings, fee, fees, remuneration, take-home pay, gross pay, net pay plus. A severance payment. the process of developing an understanding of one's owns values, beliefs, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, motivations, prejudices, strentghts, and limitations and how these qualities affect others. Only items under compensation topic. benefit. (noun) Change your default dictionary to American English. Google™ Translate is a … Total compensation is expressed in the same way as a base salary, which is in terms of gross income on an annual basis. For example, individuals with poor family lives may direct their energy into excelling above and beyond what is required at work. Filters . Essentially, it's a combination of the value of your pay, vacation, bonuses, health insurance, and any other perk you may receive, such as free lunches, free events, and parking. Do you know the meaning of compensationary? {FirstTerm} से बेहतर कहावत चाहिए? Total compensation includes the base salary, but it also includes the value of any benefits received in addition to your salary. Open compensation plans are noted for reducing employee turnover.. One example of an organization with an open compensation system is … A redeeming quality or characteristic. If you are unable to find the employer's insurance coverage, please contact the Bureau of Workers' Compensation: Toll free inside PA: 800-482-2383; local & outside PA: 717-772-4447. … Suggest . Find all the synonyms and alternative words for workmans compensation at, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web. English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus. REPAYMENT Thesaurus and Synonyms Definitions by Smart Define Dictionary. In a perfect world, only guilty people would serve time in prison. n. , adv. Teachers can sometimes enhance their salaries by taking on additional duties at their schools, such as sponsoring a club or coaching an athletic team . The two are nearly synonyms, except that "salary" is usually applied to a fixed payment (weekly, monthly, yearly) while wages usually applies to an hourly or daily payment. Compensation Plan – Definitions: Provided by Flippo, Foulkes, Livernash and Agarwala. Only items under reimbursement topic. Search total compensation and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Σύνθετοι τύποι: Αγγλικά: Ελληνικά: compensation package n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. North American informal comp. NCCI is the source you trust for workers compensation … A compensation strategy lays out your … Synonyms and related words. Compensation is a fair synonym for remuneration. Article Sources. What does compensation mean? This is the British English definition of compensation.View American English definition of compensation. translations of compensation scheme. REPAYMENT Thesaurus and Synonyms Definitions by Smart Define Dictionary. EN English dictionary: compensation scheme. Find and compare top Compensation Management software on Capterra, with our free and interactive tool. What are synonyms for workers' compensation? Total Compensation synonyms - 71 Words and Phrases for Total Compensation. Compensation definition, the act or state of compensating, as by rewarding someone for service or by making up for someone's loss, damage, or injury by giving the … Synonyms. Learn more. The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) website uses Google™ Translate to provide automatic translation of its web pages. n. # payment , renewal. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission is working diligently to assist customers. compensation n 1: something (such as money) given or received as payment or reparation (as for a service or loss or injury) 2: (psychiatry) a defense mechanism that conceals your undesirable shortcomings by exaggerating desirable behaviors 3: the act of compensating for service or loss or injury [syn: recompense, compensation ] workers' compensation insurance; workman's compensation; workmen's compensation; workmen's compensation insurance Top Voted Out Of 42 Synonyms Entries Is 'compensation' 10 synonyms for neurosis: obsession, instability, mental illness, abnormality, phobia, derangement, mental disturbance, psychological or emotional disorder.... What are synonyms for compensation neurosis? 17 In this regard synonyms. Compensation definition is - the act of compensating : the state of being compensated. Noun. Makeweight or complement. Synonyms and related words. COMEUPPANCE - COMMUTATION - COMPOSITION - FANTASIZING - GROSS INCOME - JUST DESERTS - MAKING RIGHT - MINIMUM WAGE - OVERHAULING - PSYCHOTAXIS - RECLAMATION - REQUITEMENT - RESTITUTION - RETALIATION - RETRIBUTION - SUBLIMATION - TAKE-HOME PAY - WAGE CONTROL. When a restaurant offers you a free dessert as compensation for messing up your dinner order, the hope is that you will leave happy (and refrain from writing a negative review online). 45 synonyms for compensation: reparation, damages, payment, recompense, indemnification, offset, remuneration, indemnity, restitution, reimbursement, requital. -. SYNONYMS. 11 letter words. restitutions [ the ~ ] noun. phrasal verb. consideration, pay, payment, recompense, remittance, remuneration, requital. total wages. The term 'Compensation' in classic thesaurus. Total compensation includes the base salary, but it also includes the value of any benefits received in addition to your salary. On a simple level, that could mean a trip awarded to “Salesperson of the Month,” where the award has a value but is not paid out as additional cash their paycheck. pay compensation. Need synonyms for pay compensation? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. Verb. To pay someone for work done, or for some expense or loss. compensate. pay. remunerate. recompense. Disability Compensation. {FirstTerm} के लिए एक और शब्द? Jump to Translations. Similar words: compensate for, sensation, accusation, conversation, pension, transaction, comprehension, composition. They help us avoid repetition in our speech and writing and expand our vocabulary. View the pronunciation for compensation. Find all the synonyms and alternative words for workers' compensation at, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web. The level of compensation offered is dependent on a number of factors, including salaries paid by similar companies for similar roles, the employee’s skill set and productivity and the company’s current and projected financial strength. 1. a compensating equivalent 2. something done or paid in expiation of a wrong "how can I make amends" 3. the act of compensating for service or loss or injury 4. something (such as money) given or received as payment or reparation (as for a service or loss or injury) 5. Corporate strategy is the strategy a firm uses to compete across multiple businesses. Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. Instructions: Click on the employer's name, and the insurance history screen for the employer will appear. to behave in a way that is intended to reduce the effects of a personal fault. recompense, repayment, payment, reimbursement, remuneration, requital, indemnification, indemnity, redress, satisfaction. recompense, compensation (noun) the act of compensating for service or loss or injury. Learn the definition of 'monetary compensation'. Another word for compensation: reparation, damages, payment, recompense, indemnification | Collins English Thesaurus 1 n-uncount Compensation is money that someone who has experienced loss or suffering claims from the person or organization responsible, or from the state. If a particular answer is generating a lot of interest on the site today, it may be highlighted in orange. synonyms. Teacher Compensation for Extracurricular Activities. This is the British English definition of counsel.View American English definition of counsel.. Change your default dictionary to American English. examples. Woxikon / English dictionary / C / compensation scheme. coverage. It is typically one of the biggest expenses for businesses with employees. This translation application tool is provided for purposes of information and convenience only. Pay is not so simple! Learn the definition of 'monetary compensation'. Incorrectly tagged questions are hard to find and answer. Browse the use examples 'compensation for loss of office' in the great English corpus. Something, typically money, awarded in exchange for goods or services. cash remuneration. Synonyme für Paying (Substantive verbunden mit compensation). behave. – the act of compensating for … # repayment. Synonyms for compensation in Free Thesaurus. paying: : to make due return to for services rendered or … All Corporate Attorney jobs available. Quickly browse through hundreds of Compensation Management tools and systems and narrow down your top choices. This is the average annual salary for Legal Assistant jobs in Salisbury, NC as reported by the BLS. Salary or wages may be only one part of remuneration. Synonyms: compensation… But because of false accusations, forced confessions or mistakes, many innocent people spend years in prison for a crime they did not commit. Synonyms for workers' compensation in Free Thesaurus. Lists. Compare Synonyms. An instance of kind, or charitable, behavior. Go to Chapter 4: How to Change Pay . Editor’s note: this piece on compensation strategy was updated in November 2018. financial clearing. Open compensation plans are noted for reducing employee turnover.. One example of an organization with an open compensation system is … A B C E G M O P R S W. Filter by Part of speech. Synonyms and antonyms are used every day by teachers, students, writers, editors, poets, and songwriters to add variety to writing. Equitable remuneration to the owner of private property that is expropriated for public use through condemnation, the implementation of the governmental power of Eminent Domain.. compensation interest livelihood proceeds profit profits revenue royalty takings avails benefits commission dividends drawings gains gross harvest honorarium … disbursement: : the act of paying out money especially from a fund : the act of disbursing the disbursement of government funds . Non-monetary compensation is defined as any compensation rewarded to an employee in a non-cash form. It implies total payments. additional benefit. total remuneration. Αγγλικά. Title Synonyms. compensation scheme has 1 translations in 1 languages. The key to receiving compensation lies, in part, in how you write your complaint letter. treat. REPAYMENT Thesaurus and Synonyms Definitions by Smart Define Dictionary / Page 3.. Top Voted Out Of 316 Synonyms Entries Is 'deposit' Just Compensation. Top Voted Out Of 114 Synonyms Entries Is 'recompense' redress past social injustices. The Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) exercises all judicial powers vested by the Labor Code in a reasonable and sound manner and provides guidance and leadership to the workers' compensation community through case opinions and regulations. It also includes many other types of wages and benefits. The key to receiving compensation lies, in part, in how you write your complaint letter. overall remuneration. Translations in context of "compensation and" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: and compensation, and the compensation, compensation and assistance. phrase. restitution. Antonyms for compensation neurosis. Learn the definition of 'compensation for loss of office'. Find compensation packages synonyms list of more than 15 words on Pasttenses thesaurus. 9 synonyms of compensate from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 17 related words, definitions, and antonyms. When the employee receives the money in terms of salary or wage, it is known as direct compensa­tion. financial settlement. Just Compensation. (employee pay, benefits) πακέτο παροχών φρ ως ουσ ουδ. Ein anderer Weg zu sagen Paying? The two are nearly synonyms, except that "salary" is usually applied to a fixed payment (weekly, monthly, yearly) while wages usually applies to an hourly or daily payment. An open compensation plan (or system or policy) is one with a defined pay scale and no rules about keeping employee pay confidential. bonus. Synonyms: recompense. The National Council on Compensation Insurance is the nation's most experienced provider of workers compensation information, tools, and services. Many small firms want to grow by entering new businesses. Reverso for Windows. Another word for restitution: compensation, satisfaction, amends, refund, repayment | Collins English Thesaurus Ελληνικά. If you know synonyms for Offer compensation, then you can share it or put your rating in listed similar words. The topic of compensation in a job interview process has always been a bit of a fearmonger for legal professionals. Free multilingual online dictionary and synonyms database. -. total salary. Filter synonyms by Letter. This definition of the word compensationary is from the Wiktionary, where you can also find the etimology, other senses, synonyms, antonyms and examples. refunds [ the ~ ] noun. However, it includes more than just the money paid to an employee. The compensation strategy is derived from the HR Strategy and it defines the position of the organization on the job market, the level of the total cash, the main bonus principles in the organization and rules for the base salary setting. What are another words for In this regard? compensation [ the ~ ] noun. Title Synonyms. Only items under compensation topic. Antonyms for failure of compensation. total earnings. Compensation is the total cash and non-cash payments that you give to an employee in exchange for the work they do for your business. amends, atonement, damages, indemnification, indemnity, meed (archaic) offset, payment, recompense, reimbursement, remuneration, reparation, requital, restitution, reward, satisfaction.