This zoning bylaw establishes a solar photovoltaic installation overlay district for Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installations greater than 250 kW on at least 5 acres of land. All amendments of zoning plans adopted Updated through 2007. 148 Peck Street Rehoboth, MA 02769 (508) 252-6502 Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00am to 4:00pm, Friday 8:00am to 12:00 noon Employee Email Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus ®. The Massachusetts State Building Code, as amended. Zoning Bylaw; Zoning Maps; You are here. Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Login Arrow keys to ma zoning boundaries of Code Enforcement & Building Inspections. Zoning By-law Public Hearing 1/22/2019. Section 3 GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.1. A set of rules designed to protect the wetlands. If you have questions, you can contact the Zoning Board assistant at 781-575-6589. Name Title ; Peter Koufopoulos Chairman : Wayne Carlson Vice Chairman : Don Skenderian Member ZONING BYLAW i PREFACE This volume contains the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Concord, Massachusetts, adopted at the Special Town Meeting of April 1977, and as subsequently amended. 2. Town of Maynard, Massachusetts Zoning as Amended through May 20, 2019 . See map: Google Maps. Attachment. Zoning Board of Appeals Bolton Town Hall, 663 Main Street, Bolton, MA 01740 Ph: (978) 779-2297 Fax: (978) 779-5461 Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus ® The town's library, located in the central village, is connected to the regional library network. The Planning Board considers and prepares amendments to the Town of Dighton zoning bylaws. 2019 Zoning By-Law Book (10/8/2019) 2.2 MB. 3. Maintaining and further developing the Town's zoning bylaw and subdivision rules ; Enforcing the zoning and other Town bylaws ; ... Acton, MA 01720. Beaches, Lambert's Cove, Hours -Attorney General approved 4/5/1982. Contact. Section Sub-Section; Cover Page & Table of Contents ... Town of Hanson, 542 Liberty Street, Hanson, MA 02341 Phone: (781) 293-5186 Website Disclaimer Government Websites by … Address: Norton Police Department. Ayer Zoning Bylaws Document Amended October 22, 2018, June 10, 2019, October 28, 2019 Enlarge the Map. 02535 Phone: (508) 645-2300 Fax: (508) 645-7884. Said appointees shall be appointed for a three (3) year period, these periods being staggered to ensure continuity on the Zoning Bylaw Committee. To purchase a paper copy of the Zoning Ordinance, visit the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue in Central Square. Zoning Ordinance & Map The City's Zoning Ordinance and Map are tools for land use planning. the zoning bylaws and zoning maps. The Town is hereby divided into the following zoning districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map: RA Residence A Planning & Zoning. 2.1.C. Zoning Bylaw Amendments 1938 - 2016. Municipal Traffic Guide (rev June 1999) Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus® Login; Below are the Town Bylaws. 577 Bay Road, Hamilton, MA 01936. The town of Milton is hereby divided, as shown on the Zoning Map entitled “Map of Milton, Massachusetts, show ing Zoning Districts,” dated January 7, 1938 and filed with the Town Clerk, and hereby declared a part of this bylaw, into nine classes of districts: Website Disclaimer | Government Websites by CivicPlus® Stormwater Bylaw. Rules for managing stormwater runoff and reduce soil erosion. The Town of Cummington is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Purpose. Committee to Study Memorials Street Listing Box 308 Monterey, MA 01245 Phone: 413-528-1443 Fax: 413-528-9452 hearing and deciding applications for special permits. 1.2 AUTHORITY This Zoning By-Law is enacted in accordance with the provisions of the General Laws, Chapter 40A, any and all amendments thereto, and by Article 89 of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Section 5 ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS 5.1. c. 40A (the state Zoning Act) and the Town of Whitman Zoning Bylaw to approve special permits and to grant variances from the Whitman Zoning Bylaw, and to consider appeals from orders of the building inspector or other administrative officials pertaining to zoning. Authority and Title This Bylaw is adopted in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L., c.40A, as amended. Attorney General Approval of Zoning Bylaws as posted on Aug 2, 2019. 4-3. Chapter 2 Town Bylaws. Ammended 12/29/2011 and 5/5/2012. zoning bylaws residents and thursdays in this is prohibited for emergency vehicles, or have flash player enabled or police vehicles. Building Department. A-E. Said appointees shall be appointed for a three (3) year period, these periods being staggered to ensure continuity on the Zoning Bylaw Committee. 21 South Main Street, Uxbridge, MA 01569 Phone: (508) 278-8600 Monday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Tues - Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm (except major holidays) The Massachusetts General Laws, as amended. 1800, 2020.” In this bylaw land within the RDBN is assigned a specific zoning designation which specifies the permitted uses on the land; the density of those uses; and the number, size, and siting of buildings and structures on the land. Open Burning Process - Residential Brush Burning Permit; KEMA; Police Department; Constable; Animal Control; Public Works. Welcome to Town Of Hopkinton, MA. Contact Us. Applications for Zoning Board Hearings. Purposes “There has been more of ‘I don’t mind this type, but I’m more against this type,’” Steadman said, referencing a recent poll. Construction or operations under a building permit or special permit shall conform to any subsequent amendments to this Bylaw, The districts are indicated on the plans entitled “City of Newton, Massachusetts, Amendments to Zoning Plans,” adopted July 21, 1951, as amended from time to time, and these plans and all explanatory matter on the plans are hereby made a part of this Chapter. Rochester Town Hall 1 Constitution Way Rochester, MA 02770 (508) 763-3871 978-468-5570. Size. Documents & Forms Find What You Need. Chapter 15 Zoning The Code of the Town of Stoneham, Massachusetts ( 05/2019 ) 15- 65 5.3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND EXCEPTIONS: 5.3.1 Contiguous Lots under Single Ownership: If contiguous lots are under one ownership the owner shall be required to … 1.2 Purpose; to zoning bylaw. TOWN OF DANVERS, MASSACHUSETTS. 355 East Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038. Enter your project type (example: residence, restaurant). c. 40A, as amended, and Section 2A of 1975 Mass. Chilmark Zoning By Laws. The Zoning Board of Appeals has the responsibility under Chapter 40A of the Massachusetts General Laws to act as the Town's Special Permit Granting Authority in matters concerning the application or interpretation of the Town's Zoning By-Laws. Since as far back as 1969, when Massachusetts policymakers passed Chapter 40B, the “Anti-Snob Zoning Act,” policymakers have been concerned that municipal zoning does not allow the market to meet the range of housing needs, Please browse the links below to find Massachusetts General Laws related to planning, zoning, and the subdivision of land. ... Auburn, MA 01501 Staff Directory; Hours. General Bylaws. Zoning Bylaw-May 2019 Amended; Zoning Bylaw-2018 Amended; Zoning Bylaw-2017 Amended Board of Health Regulations as of 4-06-21. 2. 577 Bay Road, Hamilton, MA 01936. Zoning Map. Zoning Bylaws e-code . Hours 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Currently closed. Format Each of the available bylaws is about 50-80 pages. 12.500 Enforcement of the Zoning Bylaw 128 SECTION 13 Zoning Board of Appeals 129 13.000 Powers of the Zoning Board of Appeals 129 13.100 Procedure Governing the Zoning … Town of Walpole Zoning Bylaws: 6 | P a g e SECTION 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Zoning Dimensional Tables have been incorporated into the Zoning Bylaws above. Permits a city or town to plan jointly with other cities or towns to promote development and prosperity within their area. Initial appointments shall be made in the following manner: Building Commissioner term expires upon Purposes A set of rules designed to protect the wetlands. A set of rules designed to describe what is considered a home. Initial appointments shall be made in the following manner: Building Commissioner term expires upon No permit or license may be granted for a new use of a building, structure, or land if such use would be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance. 11. Rules for managing stormwater runoff and reduce soil erosion. Pay Online Bills & Taxes. ZONING BYLAW FOR THE TOWN OF RUTLAND MASSACHUSETTS Zoning Regulations First Enacted March 22, 1962 Including Approved Amendments Adopted Through May 2019 . Zoning Bylaws town of arlington zoning bylaw - adopted february 12, 2018 section 7. special permits 7-1 7.1 removal of sand, gravel, quarry or other earth materials 7-1 section 8. special regulations 8-1 8.1 nonconforming uses and structures 8-1 8.2 affordable housing requirements 8-4 8.3 temporary moratorium on recreational marijuana establishments 8-6 index i 435 Main Rd P.O. Zoning Board of Appeals ... Zoning Bylaws. eCode360 is a dedicated online platform created specifically to house Littleton's codified laws and municipal documents. Acts 808. Chapter 40A: The Zoning Act. Georgetown By-LawsMassachusetts General Laws. General Bylaws. View past annual reports in the Archive Center. Size. If general and zoning bylaws appear separately on the town's site, we list them separately here. (Check "Zoning Districts" on the Layer List tab on the left and enter or zoom in to a particular property. Article 1Article One: Authority and Purpose1.1 Title1.2 Authority1.3 Purpose1.4 ValidityArticle 2Article Two: Administration2.1 Enforcement2.2 Board of Appeals2.3 Powers of the Board of Appeals2.4 Public HearingArticle 3Article Three: Establishment of Districts3.1 Types of Districts3.2 Zoning Map3.3 Zoning Bylaws (PDF) View the Town of Auburn zoning bylaws. 9. Bylaw. Located on the lower Cape, the town is bounded on two sides by land, Orleans and Wellfleet, the other two by water, the Atlantic Ocean and Cape Cod Bay. Call 617/349-4260 for more information. The following are links to each towns general zoning by laws. Proposed Zoning Bylaw and Map Changes Spring 2021; Residential Developments; Contact Info . Page | 2 . GENERAL PROVISIONS (Revised 11-01-05) 1.1. Section 6 USE REGULATIONS 6.1. the map entitled, Swansea, Massachusetts, Zoning District Map, with revisions as of September 26, 1953 and adopted October 26, 1953, or as thereafter amended, which map is attached to and made a part of this by-law as if fully described and detailed herein. 2.3 CHANGES TO MAP. Contact Us. The Town of Easton, Massachusetts: Zoning Map. MGL c. 40A Zoning. Fire Department. Zoning Requirements. The 2021 Election Calendar Is Available In PDF Format. Attachment Size; zoning_by_law_amended_through_11-2013.pdf: 4.63 MB: Town of Dracut, 62 Arlington St. Dracut, MA 01826. 117. Submit a Request Let Us Know. Phone: (508) 636-1041 Chapter 7.1 Section IV Interpretation and Application. East Longmeadow, MA 60 Center Square East Longmeadow, MA 01028 Ph: 413-525-5400 Contact Us Questions & Feedback. 4-3. Business Phone: (978) 352-5700 Anonymous Tip Line: (978) 352-5735 F O R E S T E D G E R O A D. Town of Franklin. Lancaster Town Offices. provisions of the Zoning Act, G.L. Building Department. MGL c. 40B Regional planning. Call ahead of hudson ma zoning not have a maximum of one metre from the street. Town of Uxbridge, MA. Zoning Map (PDF) Take a look at the zoning map for the Town of Auburn. 1.2. Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw are listed in the Table of Amendments following the Appendix. Chapter 3.1 Sign Rules and Regulations. ... Chapter 7.1 Section III Establishment of Zoning Districts. ZONING BY-LAWS. 577 Bay Road, Hamilton, MA 01936. Wild & Scenic North Shore Overlay District. The purposes of this Zoning By-Law are to promote the health, safety, morals, convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of Easton; to lessen the danger from fire and congestion, and from the hazards of flood water inundation; to conserve health; to secure safety from fire, panic and other Phone: (978) 929-6631. Zoning Bylaws Town of Lee - Available on ECode 360. town of arlington zoning bylaw - adopted february 12, 2018 section 7. special permits 7-1 7.1 removal of sand, gravel, quarry or other earth materials 7-1 section 8. special regulations 8-1 8.1 nonconforming uses and structures 8-1 8.2 affordable housing requirements 8-4 8.3 temporary moratorium on recreational marijuana establishments 8-6 index i Chapter 40B: Comprehensive Permit Law (Please note: Comprehensive Permits are reviews by the Zoning Board of Appeals, not the Planning and Zoning Board) Section 2 ADMINISTRATION 2.1. Zoning Bylaw. View or Purchase Print Copies of the Zoning Ordinance and Maps. Zoning bylaws, by year. Representatives of various trade organizations were also very GIS data was recognized as the “official zoning map” for the November 1, 2015 version of the city ordinances. The previous official City of Newton Zoning Map is entitled "City of Newton, Massachusetts, Amendments to Zoning Plans, adopted July 21, 1951, as amended from time to time" (Newton Revised Zoning Ordinance, 2001, Section 30-4 (b).) Initial appointments shall be made in the following manner: Building Commissioner term expires upon Massachusetts State Law requires the plan include these elements: Goals and policies; land use; housing; economic development; natural and cultural resources; open space and recreation; services and facilities; circulation/transportation; and … 4 Sandy Lane, South Deerfield MA 01373 • Phone: 413-665-4400 • Fax: 413-665-9560 Zoning By-Laws recodified 2019. 32 Main Street . Zoning Map of the Town of Easton, Massachusetts, referred to in the Zoning By-Law of the Town of Easton, Massachusetts, which was approved by the Town Meeting on May 16, 2016. The RDBN zoning bylaw is titled “Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Zoning Bylaw No. ... A rural-suburban town in the eastern central portion of Essex County in eastern Massachusetts, United States. Login Official Zoning Map A. Zoning By-Laws Article 14. Zoning districts. 32 Main Street Ashburnham, MA 01430 (978) 827-4100. ... A rural-suburban town in the eastern central portion of Essex County in eastern Massachusetts, United States. Zoning & General Bylaws AG Decision 11-26-19 on ATM 2019. § 2. Ammended 8/3/2009. 2020 RECODIFIED ZONING BYLAWS; Annual Reports; Applications; Decisions; Zoning By-Laws and Maps; Contact Info . With older Bylaws, the opening page is a cover sheet, citing the bylaw's date of adoption at Town Meeting and date of approval by the Massachusetts Attorney General. View past zoning bylaw documents in the Archive Center.. Click on START. The Clerk's office also has copies of the Zoning Map for sale. ... MA 01432 • (978) 772-8220 The Town of Ayer is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. 577 Bay Road, Hamilton, MA 01936. Use e-code link for current zoning bylaw. Section V, 5-3(H)(8) states that a special permit is required in order to construct a Communications Tower and Wireless Communications Facility in the M zoning district. Zoning District Map. Zoning Bylaws - Archive. 1.2 PURPOSES The purpose of this Bylaw is to promote health, safety, convenience, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Arlington; to lessen congestion in the streets; to conserve Fax: (978) 929-6340. Voting & Bylaw Information. Zoning By-Laws. The original section catch lines have been retained by the editor. Town of Ashburnham. ZONING MAP. Massachusetts State Enabling Legislation. Menemsha, Nashaquitsa & Stonewall Ponds Overlay District. To research the Zoning Bylaws, please click here. Please call the Zoning Department at 781-698-4534 with any questions you may have. The fee for this is $10.00 Westport, MA 02790. 3. MGL c. 40B Regional planning. 2019 Zoning By-Law Book (4/2/2019) 2.25 MB. The Building Inspector works with the Town Engineer, Electrical Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, Title V Inspector other Town Departments, and is responsible for the enforcement of the Town's zoning bylaws. Massachusetts laws. Attachment. This brings you to a two-step process: 1. N OR F O L K A V E U E 5 t h S t r ee t K R I S T E N ' S W A Y 2 n d S tr e t 3 r d S r e 6 th tr e M A IN AVE 1 s t S t r e 4 t t e B A Y R O A D G E NW OO DV G E STREET PA RKE TE RAC S P UR 1 S H A R O N D R I VE B A Y R O A D. TURNER LANE JULIE ROAD. Wetland Bylaw. This Zoning Bylaw is enacted pursuant to, and under the authority of, Chapter 40A of the General Laws as amended, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Amherst, and to ... Massachusetts. TOWN OF HANOVER ZONING BYLAWS Page 4 of 131 AS ADOPTED, AMENDED & APPROVED TOWN OF HANOVER, MASSACHUSETTS INCLUDING ALL AMENDMENTS TO DEC 18, 2017 12.400 Reinspection Permits 128 Table of Contents (cont.) Zoning Bylaws. All structures are subject to the following requirements based on their Zoning District and year built: District A. Large-Scale Ground-Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Installation District. Stormwater Bylaw. 1.4.2 Commencement of Construction or Operation. View past general bylaw documents in the Archive Center.. Zoning Bylaws. The Somerville City Council adopted a new Somerville Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Atlas on December 12, 2019. The Town of Eastham is a coastal resort community straddling the arm of Cape Cod. [Amended 3-3-1969 ATM, Article 38; 4-13-1978, Article 39, 5-4-2009 ATM, Article 25] Added 5-6-2014; ATM Article 31 A. Address: Town Hall. 2. Section 3 - Definitions – This Section is a list of certain terms used in the Zoning Bylaw. 1.2 AUTHORITY This Zoning By-Law is enacted in accordance with the provisions of the General Laws, Chapter 40A, any and all amendments thereto, and by Article 89 of the Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Each zone classification guides the physical development of the city through a set of requirements set forth in the City of Worcester's Zoning Ordinance as amended. Zoning Bylaws and MapOrleans Zoning BylawsOnline eCode - Chapter 164: ZoningZoning Bylaw Amendments ... Orleans, MA 02653. 1. The fee for this is $10.00 c. 40A"). The Board conducts meetings and public hearing in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws to review and consider subdivision plans, Approval not Required (Form A) plans, site plans and special permit applications. Registering to Vote: US Citizens, 18 years of age or older, who are residents of the Town of Brewster may register to vote at the Town Clerk's Office in the Brewster Town Offices, at the Registry of Motor Vehicles, or by mail. HOPKINTON ZONING BYLAWS: CHAPTER 210 Page 1 of 148 ARTICLE I General Provisions § 210-1. Bylaws. Home ... Planning and Development Severances and Zoning Zoning By-law Map Below is an interactive Key Map for Schedule A of the Municipality of Brockton Comprehensive Zoning By-Law 2013-26. To view a larger scale map for a particular area of Brockton click a number to open the .pdf map in a new window. Home Occupation Bylaw. -. Town Bylaws are listed below. Follow the link to the Sandwich Zoning Portal. Zoning Bylaws Each town has it's own zoning by laws and special districts. GENERAL BYLAWS; ZONING BYLAWS Notify Me Stay Informed. This Bylaw shall be known and may be cited as the "Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Arlington, Massachusetts," hereinafter referred to as "this Bylaw." 1.3 SCOPE Address: 4 Uxbridge Road . Home Occupation Bylaw. See map: Google Maps. In accordance with the provisions of Mass. General Laws Chapter 40A, Section 5, the Planning Board of the TOWN OF WESTFORD will hold public hearings on Zoning Bylaw amendments as described below to certain sections of the Zoning Bylaw. Subdivision Regulations. zoning bylaws / town of pembroke table of contents section i citation and purpose 3 section ii definitions 3 section iii establishments of districts 8 section iv use and dimensional regulations 1. residence district a 11 2. residential-commercial district 15 3. D EFINITIONS L ISTED BY T OPIC 1. It requires use of a free program call Acrobat Read. Code Enforcement & Building Inspections. 1.3 SCOPE Flood Insurance Map. The nearest hospital, Fairview Hospital, is located in neighboring Great Barrington. Website Disclaimer Government Websites by CivicPlus® Login; Below are the Town Bylaws. Browse downloadable bylaws and maps. c. 40A, as amended, and Section 2A of 1975 Mass. Title, Authority and Purpose This Bylaw shall be known and may be sited as the "Sutton Zoning Bylaw" which herein is called "this Bylaw" and is adopted by virtue of and pursuant to the authority granted the town by Chapter 40A of the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as now existing Contact. Medical Marijuana Information; Zoning Board of Appeals; Master Plan Committee; Zoning and Subdivision Committee; Public Safety. : This appendix contains the town zoning Bylaw which was adopted by the town on January 18, 1995 as approved by the Attorney General on March 10, 1995. United States. Monday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Tues - Thursday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 1:00 pm (except major holidays) Contact. 4-2. Town of Uxbridge, MA. Massachusetts, municipalities have used regulations to restrict the supply of housing, thus driving up prices. Zoning By-Laws Article 15. Zoning District Map. The Massachusetts General Laws, as amended. City of Easton, PA 123 South Third Street Easton, PA 18042 (610) 250-6600 Zoning Bylaws; Contact Info . Greater restrictions to prevail. Pre-colonial stands of oak and pine were long ago harvested for fuel and shipbuilding and the terrain of the town is now heavily salt marsh and sand. By-Laws and RegulationsZoning MapCell Tower. This Zoning Bylaw is enacted pursuant to, and under the authority of, Chapter 40A of the General Laws as amended, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Amherst, and to ... Massachusetts. This Bylaw shall be known and may be cited as the Zoning Bylaw of the Town of Shirley, Massachusetts. United States. The Board meets at 6:30pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. It supercedes the zoning Bylaws of 1951 and 1972. General ByLaws updated thru ATM 2019. ... Auburn, MA 01501 Staff Directory; Hours. Zoning District Map. The Dalton Board of Appeals (also known as the ZBA) applies the zoning ordinances of the Town of Dalton as promulgated by the Planning Board to all petitions that come before the Board. Emergency Numbers: 911. Sutton Zoning Bylaw 1 I. The Town Code is now available to browse in an electronic format - eCode360. If you would like a printed copy please see the Town Clerk. See map: Google Maps. Town of Sutton. 81 Main Street Swansea, MA 02777 Phone: (508) 674-5730 General Bylaws. The Zoning Board of Appeals adjudicates requests placed before them. Acts 808. The most recent edition of Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. Zoning By-Laws Article 13. 3. Town of Sharon 90 South Main Street Sharon, MA 02067 (781) 784-1500 eCode360 provides municipal staff and citizens with unparalleled flexibility to quickly access and search the Town Code on a variety of desktop and mobile devices. Section 3 - Definitions – This Section is a list of certain terms used in the Zoning Bylaw. Agendas & Minutes Follow Town Board Meetings. chapter 40a as amended 08-06-2020 . A set of rules designed to describe what is considered a home. Download PDF. Booklet. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - Effective February 2, 2004 (Small type) SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS - Effective February 2, 2004 (Large type) Supporting Figures - Typical Cross Sections. Town of Dartmouth 400 Slocum Road Dartmouth, MA 02747 M - F, 8:30am - 4:30pm 2.1.C. These documents are presented in the Adobe Acrobat format- a relatively new format that we use extensively on our website. The Town of Sandwich now offers a self-guided zoning portal to assist users in determining their use status and permitting needs. District C. District D. … Phone: (978) 827-4100 ext. Planning Department. Draft and obtain approval of new zoning bylaws/ordinances, secure permits at the local level and from the Commonwealth’s Office of Outdoor Advertising, draft and negotiate host community agreements and draft and negotiate land leases relative to placement of electronic billboards. ... A rural-suburban town in the eastern central portion of Essex County in eastern Massachusetts, United States. Where the bylaw is only one or two sentences long, it is written in its entirety on the cover sheet. Permits a city or town to plan jointly with other cities or towns to promote development and prosperity within their area. Section V, 5-3(B)(14) of the Town of Easton Zoning Bylaw, entitled Use Regulations, states that [a]ll Town and municipal uses are allowed as of right in the M zoning district. If you don't see your city or town listed, or you want to be sure that you have the most current information, contact the town or city clerk. Administrative Offices 508-285-3304. Smoke from the clinic if you intend on the flood zones. Bylaws, Zoning – Adopted 1954 & including Approved Amendments up to 10-22-19; ... A rural-suburban town in the eastern central portion of Essex County in eastern Massachusetts, United States. 1. Stockbridge MA. See map: Google Maps. Aquinnah Zoning By Laws. D EFINITIONS L ISTED BY T OPIC 1. The Board is required to apply State law as found in chapter 40 and 40A to all petitions. The Board maintains the Dalton Zoning Bylaws so that they reflect current conditions and promote the goals of the Dalton Master Plan. As a comprehensive document, Easton’s Master Plan will cover all issues that will have an impact on what kind of place Easton will be in the coming decades. The following chart lists map numbers for the hamlets, villages, towns, and airport in Brockton. The previous official City of Newton Zoning Map is entitled "City of Newton, Massachusetts, Amendments to Zoning Plans, adopted July 21, 1951, as amended from time to time" (Newton Revised Zoning Ordinance, 2001, Section 30-4 (b).)