This assortment contains hens only, a variety of our most popular breeds, with a broad spectrum of egg colors. Meat, Egg Laying and Broodiness. Quantity. How Long Do Chickens Lay Eggs? These Breeds make for a very colorful egg carton. In bygone days when nearly every farm had a chicken flock the utility and beauty of these birds made them the breed of choice. If you live in the suburbs, the … I am getting more blue eggs right now, but some teal, green, and occasionally a light pink. The eggs you receive will be selected by farm staff, and no requests for specific breeds to … Olive Eggers. Ayam CemaniThe Ayam Cemani is a unique breed with a striking in appearance. Originating from the island of Java, they have black… Several other breeds lay varying shades of green eggs. That’s why many chicken raisers keep a variety of breeds. However they are slightly more of a meat bird than a laying hen. Sunnyside Rainbow Eggers. Purpose: Dual (eggs and meat) Temperament: Friendly. We will be focusing on chicks in 2021. Rainbow Chicken Breed The rainbow rooster suffers less fatality and lays more eggs. When managed as a layer, with commercial feeds, rainbow roosters will lay 160-180 eggs in 72 weeks (16 months). At Cackle Hatchery®, our egg-laying chicken hatchery offers several options, including the Easter Egg Chicken and the Black Ameraucana Chicken. Rainbow Egg Layer Mix. Although similar to Uganda’s indigenous chicken the rainbow rooster grows faster are bigger and produce more eggs. An Olive Egger isn’t a breed itself. They are generally known as a dual purpose bird. Rather, it’s a hybrid that happens when you cross a dark brown egg-layer with a blue egg-layer. They link the flock owner with American history while yielding abundant eggs and tasty meat. Collecting farm fresh eggs becomes that much more fun when the shells are shades of the The Dixie rainbow originated from years of mixing several breeds but the breeding now is a rainbow to rainbow , they are good to moderate layers app 280 to 300 per year, they are average growing birds and will start to lay app 20 to 22 weeks, the hens will reach app 7 lbs, the egg color is brown and the chicks are very cold hardy birds. If you do manage to find an Isbar, you’ll enjoy a regal chicken with a single comb and productive egg schedule. I raise my chickens for egg production and am a big fan of the ones mentioned in your article, for just that. If the hen is known to lay a specifically colored egg, the pigment is added here. However, from time to time, we may have hatching eggs available. Rainbow Egg Layers Unsexed. Golden Laced Wyandottes. This process of egg laying takes roughly 24-26 hours. Lastly a thin anti-microbial layer on the egg is formed on top of the shell. If you have a mixed flock like mine there is a trick to see what color eggs a chicken will lay. AraucanasIf a chicken lays blue eggs, it probably has Araucana in its genetics. The breed is reputed to have originated in… A little more info on coloured eggs: The colour of the shell is down to the genetics of the chicken itself. We will not … 20.75. On average, Dixie hens will lay around 225-250 eggs a year. White, cream, tan, pink, blue, green, brown and speckled. Finally the egg is positioned in the vent and laid by the hen into the nest box. Note the spelling of Amer au cana. Types of Chickens that Lay Colored Eggs Araucanas. Named after the Araucana region of Chile, where these chickens supposedly evolved, the Araucana chicken lays gorgeous blue eggs. Ameraucanas. Although the name sounds similar to Araucana, it's important that you don't get the two confused! ... Cream Legbar. ... Easter Eggers. ... Light Sussex. ... Marans. ... Welsummers. ... Barnevelders. ... Penedesencas. ... Dorking. ... More items... Although all eggs start out with white shells, the blue or brown dye (or both) applied to the shells of some breeds results in eggs that come in almost all the hues of the rainbow. Just remember, no matter the shell color, a hen needs calcium in her layer feed to lay strong and stay strong. To add a few green eggs in your basket, consider raising some aptly-named Easter Eggers. With brown egg layers you might notice some variation in the amount of brown pigment but they’ll always lay brown eggs. It is descended from Sumatra and Malay birds brought to Cuba from the… This production carries on for several years. Pullets lay a large brown egg… (In fact, a flock of this mixed breed of chickens can lay a rainbow of egg colors on their own including bluish, green, pinkish or cream! Our Colored Egg Layers Category showcases our Blue/Green Colored Egg Layers. Here’s your chance to start a rainbow flock of laying hens with this assortment of female chicks in a rainbow of feather colors. Hatching Eggs. These yummy brown eggs are often more towards the larger size and I’ve even gotten a few double yolks! We specialise in breeding, raising and supplying of free range poultry and are registered with the Department of Agriculture. But did you realize that a chicken’s earlobes are different colors as well, and that some people can make guesses as to what color egg a certain hen will lay … EEs are not an APA recognized breed, they are a mix of different breeds with one parent carrying a blue egg-laying gene. At the end of lay the birds weight about 3kgs. Below you will find information about these colored egg-laying breeds and the others chicken species we have available. I can not tell the hens what color to lay … Eggshell color is caused by pigment deposition during egg formation in the oviduct and may vary according to species and breed, from the more common white or brown to pink or speckled blue-green. Generally, chicken breeds with white ear lobes lay white eggs, whereas chickens with red ear lobes lay brown eggs. Years later an ideal backyard chicken breed was named in honor of this famous site. This breed was created by crossing the Prairie Bluebell Egger™ with a brown egg layer, the result is a chicken breed that lays high quantities of only green eggs. Our Ameraucanas (Blue, Black, Lavender, Splash, White), Crested Cream Legbars, Easter Eggers and Olive Eggers all lay either Blue or Green Eggs. If we do ship hatching eggs, we will do our best to properly and securely pack them but offer no guarantee and no replacement policy. Since different breeds lay eggs at different rates, this rainbow assortment spreads laying over a wider period of time. Rainbow Free Range Poultry is a family run business based in Athenry, County Galway. They will mature into hens that lay eggs in a rainbow of shell colors, delighting you with baskets of colorful eggs. Colored Egg Layers. No two birds are alike in their brown, gray, and tan feather patterns. Green Eggs. Our All Female Rainbow Pack Assortment of chicks has will have a minimum of at least five different breeds, including laying brown eggs, white eggs, and colored eggs from some our the most extravagant breeds available. This can vary, with some chickens waiting until six months to start laying and others (usually hybrids) that start laying at just 16 weeks. I have cage free, free range, Rainbow Layer Chickens that are laying mostly blue, a few green and a few pink fertile Hatching eggs that I am selling for $8.00 per dozen. The Rainbow Egg Layer Collection consists of ten (10) eggs and may include any chicken breed that we keep on the farm. Your resulting chicken would be a sky blue egg layer with excellent egg production because of the White Leghorn genetics. Lakenvelder – They’re smaller, true, which means their eggs aren’t as large as a Leghorn’s, but many … The average egg weight is 60 grams. If a hatchery sells chicks under the label of Araucana/Americana, Torres says, those… Rainbow (Dixie) The unique coloring of a Rainbow (Dixie) makes these a collector's favorite! Most young laying hens – known as pullets until they are one year old – start laying eggs when they are roughly 18 weeks of age. Add to Cart. This mix of breeds will provide you with at least three different egg colors! Supplies are limited so order fast! Don't mistake these for Araucanas - Rainbow Eggers are a colorful collection of commercial layer strains from Europe that will fill your egg basket with a green, blue, chocolate brown and cream-tinted eggs. If you buy your eggs at your local grocery store, you are probably bringing home the basic One hen will lay the same coloured egg throughout her lifetime, although the hue may darken as she gets older and comes to the end of her egg laying cycle. Other common EE traits include … The layers start laying at 160 days (5 months). Wyandottes. For a full list of the breeds we keep please go to our website. Ameraucana chicken. According to the Easter Egg Club of America, EEs are “the most popular chicken in America today.”* Easter Eggers lay a wide range of egg colors, including: any hue of blue and green and even pink on occasion. Our birds roam freely in our lush meadows from a very young age. Item. An example of such a cross would be a Cream Legbar rooster over a flock of White Leghorn hens. To create a blue egg layer, you have to cross an intense blue egg layer with a white egg layer. Chicken eggs come in all shades of blue, green, pinkish, cream and dark, dark brown. They start laying eggs at around 16 weeks old, and, once fully grown, will give you 3-4 light brown eggs per week. The Cubalaya is the only breed developed in Cuba. The rainbow layer chicken lays a medium-large brown egg at the end of the spectrum of 20-24 weeks. Isbar hens will lay approximately 200 eggs per year in various shades of green. Lakenvelder – They’re smaller, true, which means their eggs aren’t as large as a Leghorn’s, but many … For meat, flavorful chicken breeds such as the Cornish are ideal, with a large, firm breast. For eggs, chicken breeds such as the Rhode Island Red, Orpington, Minorcas, Hamburgs, and Leghorns are all excellent choices. These big birds will give you good egg layers, but the large size will also … They are also very adaptive and can be kept in enclosed structures or free range. 1+. Collecting farm fresh eggs becomes that much more fun when the shells are shades of the rainbow. According to the Easter Egg Club of America, EEs are “the most popular chicken in America today.”*Easter Eggers can lay a rainbow of egg colors, including: any hue of blue or brown or any combination of the two. Description. As with the Prairie Bluebell Egger™, the Starlight Green Egger™ is a lightweight and very active breed … Chickens lay a rainbow of colors when it comes to egg shells. ), Olive Eggers or Favaucanas.