He did not rap his ill famous ruler. Franz was surprised at himself for he understood the lesson very well. (b) he is adamant. Hamel repented that … He forgot about his teacher’s ruler and crankiness. 47. Although Franz was more interested in spending day out of school but eventually he decided to go to the school. -M. Hamel making the announcement that that would be the last French lesson; realizes that, that was what was put up on the bulletin board. M. Hamel is introduced as a ruler-wielding teacher. He developed a fondness for M. Hamel at the troubling idea of being separated from him forever. What surprised Franz most was the fact that the village people were sitting quietly on the last benches. Ans. Franz was afraid of being scolded because his teacher M. Hamel was to question the students on participles. Franz was not prepared and he had started for school very late that morning. His exact words are, “I did not know the first word about them.”Secondly, he had started very late for school that morning. (Delhi 2013) or What … It means- Long live France! Answer : M Hamel had put on his ceremonial clothes on his last day in the school. He decided to pay attention to the lesson since school had become very important for him. Ans. Q40- Who was M.Hamel? Long Answer Type Questions (120-140 words) 1. Franz was shocked when M Hamel told the students about the order from Berlin and that it was their last French lesson. Q4. Question 6. Also, Mr. Hamel had explained the lesson more patiently than ever. He realised that he would not be able to read and speak his own mother tongue and regretted his lack of interest and carelessness. Franz thinks, “Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?” What does this tell us about the attitude of the Frenchmen? When he was in class, he was not attentive for most of time. Answer. 5. B) rude. The order from Berlin brought a sense of shock and surprise in the class. Q3. He loved France and French language from the innermost core of his heart. 44. 'The Last Lesson' is set in the days of the Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871). What will others tell the French people after the … He said that for the enslaved people, their language was the key to their prison. How did … But, to his surprise, M. Hamel spoke to him very politely and invited him. There was no commotion and on that day everything was as quiet as a Sunday morning. ... Why was M. Hamel kind to Franz even though he was late for school? He wore the ceremonial dress. Franz walked into the classroom late. A) Because of his casual dress B) because he gave sweets C) because he had a flower in his hand D) all. According to Mr. Hamel what is wrong with Alsace? A) soft and kind B) rude C) firm and strict D) none of these . Answer. He has been teaching at the school for forty years. Discuss with reference to the ‘Last Lesson’. He reiterated about an order from Berlin that German was to be taught in schools of Alsace and Lorraine. He wanted to spend the day out of doors. A) Because of his casual dress B) because he gave sweets C) because he had a flower in his hand D) all. (c) he is unfeeling. France was defeated by Prussia (Germany). When Franz heard that it was the last lesson of the French language. Answer: (d) because of M.Hamel’s kind and polite behaviour Q38- Why Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel? -Franz realizes that he does not know his own mother tongue -Regretted why he had not taken his lessons seriously. A) a spy B) language teacher C) soldier D) School Principal It almost seemed as if in one go he wanted to give them all that he knew. The lesson describes how a teacher in Alsace, M. Hamel, reacts to this shocking news. Ans. There was village folk sitting on the back benches. Usually, when the school began, there was a much commotion, which was missing that day. Hamel very politely told Franz that they were beginning to start without him. C) firm and strict. His teacher, M Hamel had on his ceremonial clothes. Ans Franz noticed many unusual things about school that day. 45. Who was M.Hamel? Now M Hamel taught us grammar. Last Lesson Summary Franz didn’t want to go to school that day as his French teacher Mr. Hamel had announced that he would take a test on French Participles and Franz was not prepared for it. Ans: Franz dislike going to school and learning his lesson was a burden for him. 46. How did Franz’s attitude towards his books and Mr. Hamel change? It means- Long live France! How did M. Hamel blame himself for Franz’s not learning French? He developed a strange fascination for his school and the French language. Q38- Why was Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel? His attitude towards Mr. Hamel is also changed now. The orders from Berlin to take over the village where Franz … Franz was shocked to hear that M. Hamel was leaving and that it was his last lesson. Franz’s attitude toward books and teachers changed completely. His teacher, M. Hamel had said that he would question them on 'participles'. Franz knew nothing about them. He feared a scolding from M. Hamel. He thought of running away from the school and spending the day out of doors. But he resisted the temptation and hurried off to school. Q. 4. What was the temptation and how did Franz resist it ? Franz was not interested in his language french even he had a great fear from his teacher M.Hamel. Franz frankly admits that he was totally ignorant about the topic. What shows Mr. Hamel’s love for the French language? Franz was surprised that he understood the lesson. Franz’s attitude changes towards his school now. A) soft and kind B) rude C) firm and strict D) all. Question 9 : What was unusual about M Hamel’s dress on his last day in school? Q. Extracts for Practice, The Last Lesson, Chapter-1, Flamingo . “Our language is part of our culture and we are proud of it”. When Franz turned to recite participles what had really happened? Answer. Q 39- What attitude of M.Hamel surprised Franz? Write a notice giving details of the …. He feels guilty of being careless for his lessons and missing them by remaining away from school. But much to his surprise when M Hamel noticed that Franz was mixed up on the basics; he did not scold him as usual. Mr. Hamel was deeply pained at the order from Berlin. What attitude of M.Hamel surprised Franz? His feelings about M. Hamel also changed. From the next day they will be taught only German. A) soft and kind. Second, the … In his classroom, he carries a ruler which he … His books, which seemed a nuisance and a burden earlier were now old friends. Question.2. M. Hamel. Q 39- What attitude of M.Hamel surprised Franz? ANSWER : A. Q 39- What attitude of M.Hamel surprised Franz? Mention two things about M Hamel that surprised Franz on his last day at school. Answer. It stated the ban of teaching French. First, M. Hamel, the teacher had put on his fine Sunday clothes-his beautiful green coat, frilled shirt and the little black silk cap, all embroidered. M. Hamel was dressed in his formal attire which he did only on special occasions. D) School Principal. He forgot about his teacher’s ruler and crankiness; instead, he started liking M Hamel, as he was being separated from him forever. Q. But when he came to know that his village is taken over by the Prussians, suddenly his attitude towards the school as well as for his teacher changed. The school master of a small village school in the French region of Alsace-Lorraine. Franz had come late to the class. The Last Lesson Class 12 CBSE – Solved Short Questions. Franz was shocked when M. Hamel told the students about the order from Berlin and that it was their last French lesson. It was very easy. This announcement seemed to be thunderclap to Franz as he was surprised and shocked on hearing them. 3 Thank You. M. Hamel was in his Sunday best. Monsieur Hamel observed that the great trouble with Alsace was that the people of the town postponed learning, doing it tomorrow rather than getting it done today. Why were the old men of the village present in the class? He forgot about his teacher’s ruler and crankiness. Question.16. B) language teacher. Franz’ attitude towards school as well as towards M. Hamel changes when he comes to know about the takeover of his village by Prussians. Even Mr Hamel was not annoyed when. (d) he is a hard taskmaster. Franz was overcome with a feeling of remorse and regretted for wasting his time in trivial pursuits. It appeared that Hamel wanted us to teach everything he … Franz was afraid of M Hamel’s ruler and being scolded. What was unusual about M. Hamel’s dress and behaviour on the day of his last French lesson? Answer: Whenever Franz arrived late, he was met by an angry teacher. This time however, he was astounded when he was welcomed by a kind and polite M. Hamel. This was quite contrary to his nature. A) soft and kind B) rude C) firm and strict D) all. He praised French as the most beautiful, the clearest and most logical language in the world. Franz was afraid of being scolded that day especially because M. Hamel, the teacher, had said that he would question them on participles. He developed a fondness for M. Hamel at the troubling idea of being separated from him forever. Franz’s attitude towards school as well as towards M. Hamel changes when he comes to know about the take over of his village by Prussians. Do you agree? Discuss with reference to the LAST LESSON. Ans: Franz dislike going to school and learning his lesson was a burden for him. He wanted to spend the day out of doors. C) soldier. Describe how regretful M Hamel and the villagers are … M. Hamel is stern and intimidating to his pupils, among them the narrator of the story, Franz. Q40- Who was M.Hamel? His feeling for … A) a spy B) language teacher C) soldier D) School Principal. This shows people’s love for their own culture, traditions and country. 2. I started for school very late that morning and was in great dread of a scolding, especially because M. Hamel had said that he would question us on participles, and I did not know the first word about them. As per the order, this was the last French class. Answer : M Hamel told his students that it was their last French lesson as an order had come from Berlin that henceforth only German was to be taught in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. D) none of these. Yes the given statement is true. 5. Why was Franz surprised? A) a spy. M Hamel’s reaction when Franz could not answer a question on participles was unlike what he had expected. Then the people realised how precious their language was to them. Franz feared a scolding at school as he had not prepared hte lesson on participles, on which his French teacher M Hamel was to question the class that day. Ans. Hamel did not scold Franz when he could not answer questions on rule of participles. Mention two things about M Hamel that surprised Franz on his last day at school. What was felt by Franz in his attitude towards Mr. Hamel? What does M. Hamel say about the importance of language to an ‘enslaved people’? A) Because of his formal dress B) because he gave sweets C) because he had a flower in his hand D) all of these . (a) Because of village elders (b) Because of police patrolling (c) because of students’ behavior (d) because of M.Hamel’s kind and polite behaviour. He was behind schedule for school and thought that M Hamel would scold him. Do you agree? Franz’s attitude towards M. Hamel underwent a complete change on the day of the last French lesson. Extract 1. (a) Franz was shocked when M. Hamel told the students about the order from Berlin and that it was their last French lesson. How did Franz react to the declaration that it was their last French lesson? Q2. When Franz arrived at the school, he saw the entire place as unusually quiet, strange and serious. 1. This demonstrates that: (a) he is concerned. But the most unusual thing was that the village people were sitting quietly on the back benches, which were usually empty. He also blamed himself for neglect of learning of boys like Franz. M Hamel wrote; Vive la franz/Viva la France on the blackboard at the end of his last class in the school. 6. He was overwhelmed with deep emotions and looked different on the day of his last lesson. Franz came to know that it was the last lesson in French that M. Hamel would give them. He understood the pain and agony his teacher was undergoing. Answer: The announcement made by M. Hamel left a great impact not only on Franz but all the other citizens. M. Hamel spoke to him kindly which was contrary to his expectations. He understood the pain and agony his teacher was undergoing. Q38- Why Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel? When people are enslaved, he thinks, as long as they held fast to their language, they have key to their prison. asked May 1, 2020 in Panorama - The Last Lesson by RadhaRani ( 54.3k points) the last lesson He wrote this because he was deeply saddened by the fact that Germans have come in their country and are imposing German language on them. Question.17. Franz was surprised when he entered the class that day as it was unusually quiet. By an order from Berlin, German language was imposed on the French districts of Alsace and Lorraine. The Last Lesson Extra Questions and Answers Extract Based Ans. Question.15. attitude of the Frenchmen? He addressed all as his children. When M. Hamel read out a grammar lesson to the class, Franz was amazed at how well he understood it. Franz's attitude towards school as well towards M. Hamel changes when he comes to know about the takeover of his village by Prussians. Justify. He used to think his teacher to be a crank, but now he has full respect for him. Why had Franz not been able to learn much at school? The order from Berlin had caused a sea-change in the attitude of the people of Alsace and Lorraine to their language. All M. Hamel said seemed so easy to Franz and he genuinely regretted ignoring M. Hamel’s classes and … Then he felt sorry for not learning his lessons properly. His books suddenly became his old friend. ANSWER : B 1)Bring out the gloomy atmosphere of M Hamel’s last lesson. Besides* the warm and bright weather, the chirping of birds and the watching the drill of Prussian soldiers also tempted Franz to stay away from school. A) a spy B) language teacher C) soldier D) School Principal [Foreign, Set-I, II & III, 2014] OR. ANSWER : A. Q40- Who was M.Hamel? He did not seem to have any friendly feelings towards his teacher M.Hamel, who he felt was a strict and cranky. He was in shock. Hamel advises his students to guard French language from the onslaught from invader’s influence and not to forget it ever. Franz thought that he had never listened so carefully and Hamel had not explained so nicely. Ans. Answer : M Hamel blamed the habit of people of Alsace of putting off learning for tomorrow and not sending their children to school regularly. However, what he liked most was the presence of village elders in the classroom. What did Franz notice that was unusual about the school that day? Answer: Franz had been reluctant to reach school as he had anticipated a scolding from his teacher.